1. draft Sociocratic Organizational Structure für TransforMap

Hello lovely TransforMap community, Please find a draft for a circle organization structure for TransforMap here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1T_s-9uIto5No6My8BozKAcUsM91wl_U1kdz-... Please go through it, and post comments and questions. Especially have a look at those circles, that you see your work in, or want to engage working in. : ) hugs : ) Josef Mag. Josef Kreitmayer E j@getactive.org T 0699/81 634 148 www.getactive.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/josefkreitmayer *unseren aktuellen Angebote:* * Dragon Dreaming - partizipatives Projekt-Design 28. - 30. Nov * YES - Yeeha Eco Startups Weekend, verschoben auf März 2015 * Tiefenökologie Open Space 2015, 23. - 25. April 2015 weitere Information & Anmeldung auf www.getactive.org
participants (1)
Josef Kreitmayer