Thanks Adrien, I absolutely second: a. English is a must if we want to address the international community b. Licensing is a big and open question we definitely have to discuss in Leipzig. a. We have the licensing constraints given by OSM b. Dogmatic discussions what is free/not free/…enough c. And there are considerations to protect the privacy (e.g. phone numbers, email) of the initiatives we map against advertising companies or spammers who already offered to pay money for well structured, categorized and maintained addresses. My heart is absolutely with your proposal. And I am looking forward to a lively discussion and hopefully answers we can build on. CU @ Leipzig Michael Vesely Von: maps-bounces@list.allmende.io [mailto:maps-bounces@list.allmende.io] Im Auftrag von Francesca Pick Gesendet: Montag, 01. September 2014 16:46 An: Adrien Labaeye Cc: Intermediäre Ankündigungsliste des Netzwerkverbunds zur Kartierung von Projekten alternativer Ökonomien Betreff: Re: [maps] For discussion in Leipzig: Structuring the process, English, Licensing Thanks Adrien for the initative, I agree we should try to continue our discourse in English, to remain as open as possible. I also am with you on deciding on a license for our map data, and am ok for the license type you propose! See you Leipizg! Francesca Pick | <http://twitter.com/francescapick> @francescapick OuiShareFest <http://www.ouisharefest.com> Co-Chair | International Community Connector mob: +33 (0)6 67575899 ouishare.net <http://ouishare.net/> On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Adrien Labaeye <adrienlabaeye@gmail.com <mailto:adrienlabaeye@gmail.com> > wrote: Hi Mappers/-innen, 3 Vorschläge: Struktur. Nach unsere Fringe event in Berlin im Juli, Ich habe ein draft Struktur prepariert mit dem Ziel das wir können ein gemeinsame und Klare Blick entwickeln. Es wäre toll wann wir könnten in Leipzig diese Struktur durchsehen, abstimmen, und weiter arbeiten. http://pad.sinnwerkstatt.com/p/14mmm_structure Sprache. [Vorsicht! English] I have told quite a few people about 14MMM and people get interested to join! Many of them do not speak German and are disapointed to see that we are exclusively working in German. It would be great if we could discuss how we could switch some of our exchanges from German to English to open up to a global community. What do you think? Licensing. Would be great to discuss licensing our data. Our mapping of the mapping is getting very interesting and we need to protect it to make sure it remains open and further grows. What about Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/> ? This would be a first step before discussing licensing the transformap.org <http://transformap.org> data... Liebe Grüsse, -- Adrien Labaeye +49 176 3810 8605 <tel:%2B49%20176%203810%208605> Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye http:// <http://berlin.thinkfarm.de/> transition-lab.org <http://transition-lab.org> c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG) http://berlin.thinkfarm.de/ _______________________________________________ maps mailing list maps@list.allmende.io <mailto:maps@list.allmende.io> http://list.allmende.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/maps