Re: [maps] submitting a proposal for a session at Open Knowledge Festival Berlin

Hi there, how's that a Skype Hangout with multiple video? Or are you planning Google Hangouts? As we're all in Europe, we could try or || || \||/ \/ On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:01:39 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
It would be great if we could get something more then than just disseminating the project. How could we tap into the knowledge there to bring ideas, solutions? This means what are our main challenges now? Testing the taxonomy? Identifying technical solutions? The thing with what you call "the project" is in my perspective rather a process; it doesn't have the defined start and end dates. so we're basically looking at a loose ad-hoc cooperation, even if people are designing their interactions together. Basically for the Open Knowledge Foundation, from my point of view, it could be interesting to see how we are using new tools and therefore are producing new epistemologies and knowledges of our environment. I've also had the feeling some of us share the idea of creating new-institutions that lead a way for a post-national, non-representational democracy. Collective Intentionality / Swarms / Hive Minds / concretely implemented and quickly negotiated. That division of labour "just happens" perfectly and how all the initiatives connected through these wires could agree on working together remains a question. And we will also have to present something interactive with our prototypes, maybe play some kind of search game and can show how our decentralized, self-managed infrastructure is helping to build communities. Something like this. Taxonomy and Semantic Web/Linked Data would be another point. The fact is : this process is just _so_ dense of all these things, that I've had the feeling something special and seldom is happening. Talk to you soon, Jon

Happy to try something else that has video and WORKS :) Which one do you recommend? On Mar 12, 2014 4:07 PM, "jon | gartenkarte" <> wrote:
Hi there,
how's that a Skype Hangout with multiple video? Or are you planning Google Hangouts?
As we're all in Europe, we could try
|| || \||/ \/
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:01:39 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
It would be great if we could get something more then than just disseminating the project. How could we tap into the knowledge there to bring ideas, solutions? This means what are our main challenges now? Testing the taxonomy? Identifying technical solutions?
The thing with what you call "the project" is in my perspective rather a process; it doesn't have the defined start and end dates. so we're basically looking at a loose ad-hoc cooperation, even if people are designing their interactions together.
Basically for the Open Knowledge Foundation, from my point of view, it could be interesting to see how we are using new tools and therefore are producing new epistemologies and knowledges of our environment.
I've also had the feeling some of us share the idea of creating new-institutions that lead a way for a post-national, non-representational democracy.
Collective Intentionality / Swarms / Hive Minds / concretely implemented and quickly negotiated. That division of labour "just happens" perfectly and how all the initiatives connected through these wires could agree on working together remains a question.
And we will also have to present something interactive with our prototypes, maybe play some kind of search game and can show how our decentralized, self-managed infrastructure is helping to build communities.
Something like this.
Taxonomy and Semantic Web/Linked Data would be another point. The fact is : this process is just _so_ dense of all these things, that I've had the feeling something special and seldom is happening.
Talk to you soon,
Jon _______________________________________________ maps mailing list

On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:11:07 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
Which one do you recommend?
Definately Google Hangouts, if we're talking about something that works. The other two would fall into the category "evaluation" ... ... and if I'm not on time, don't miss out the chance to write a protocol at ;)

Let's use google hangout then! On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 4:42 PM, jon | gartenkarte <>wrote:
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:11:07 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
Which one do you recommend?
Definately Google Hangouts, if we're talking about
something that works.
The other two would fall into the category "evaluation" ...
... and if I'm not on time, don't miss out the chance to write a protocol at
;) _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
-- Adrien Labaeye +49 176 3810 8605 Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG)

super, time and hangouts is great. Who facilitates? I would like to keept it brief, we are in a good group size good ti have a plan : ) Mag. Josef Kreitmayer | | 0(043) 699 8163 4148 Am 12.03.2014 17:27 schrieb "Adrien Labaeye" <>:
Let's use google hangout then!
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 4:42 PM, jon | gartenkarte <>wrote:
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:11:07 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
Which one do you recommend?
Definately Google Hangouts, if we're talking about
something that works.
The other two would fall into the category "evaluation" ...
... and if I'm not on time, don't miss out the chance to write a protocol at
;) _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
-- Adrien Labaeye
+49 176 3810 8605 Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye
c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG)
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list

Thanks all! As Thomas is already going to join on the OuiShare side, I won't be able to make it afterall. Looking forward to the results though! Cheers *Francesca Pick | @francesca_sp <>* OuiShareFest <> Co-Chair | Global & Germany Connector mob: +33 (0)6 67575899 [image: OuiShare Fest 2014] <> On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Josef Kreitmayer <> wrote:
super, time and hangouts is great. Who facilitates? I would like to keept it brief, we are in a good group size good ti have a plan : )
Mag. Josef Kreitmayer | | 0(043) 699 8163 4148 Am 12.03.2014 17:27 schrieb "Adrien Labaeye" <>:
Let's use google hangout then!
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 4:42 PM, jon | gartenkarte <>wrote:
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:11:07 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
Which one do you recommend?
Definately Google Hangouts, if we're talking about
something that works.
The other two would fall into the category "evaluation" ...
... and if I'm not on time, don't miss out the chance to write a protocol at
;) _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
-- Adrien Labaeye
+49 176 3810 8605 Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye
c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG)
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list

Hello Adrien, I structured a Pad at for the call tomorrow. As I do not have a lot of experience with google hangouts, I hope, you can manage that. Will be there ; ) J *Mag. Josef Kreitmayer* E T 0699/81 634 148 *21. - 23. März: Dragon Dreaming Einführungsworkshop. Wien.* *3. - 5. April: 2. Open Space Tagung Tiefenökologie. Wien.* <> 2014-03-12 17:27 GMT+01:00 Adrien Labaeye <>:
Let's use google hangout then!
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 4:42 PM, jon | gartenkarte <>wrote:
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:11:07 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
Which one do you recommend?
Definately Google Hangouts, if we're talking about
something that works.
The other two would fall into the category "evaluation" ...
... and if I'm not on time, don't miss out the chance to write a protocol at
;) _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
-- Adrien Labaeye
+49 176 3810 8605 Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye
c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG)
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list

Unfortunately I got another appointment which I could not deny Good luck Klaus Klaus Prätor, Kreuzstr. 18 b, 13187 Berlin fest:030-44045230. mobil:0151-40766867 „Es ist nicht gesagt, dass es besser wird, wenn es anders wird. Wenn es aber besser werden soll, muss es anders werden.“ Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99)
Am 12.03.2014 um 16:07 schrieb jon | gartenkarte <>:
Hi there,
how's that a Skype Hangout with multiple video? Or are you planning Google Hangouts?
As we're all in Europe, we could try
|| || \||/ \/
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:01:39 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
It would be great if we could get something more then than just disseminating the project. How could we tap into the knowledge there to bring ideas, solutions? This means what are our main challenges now? Testing the taxonomy? Identifying technical solutions?
The thing with what you call "the project" is in my perspective rather a process; it doesn't have the defined start and end dates. so we're basically looking at a loose ad-hoc cooperation, even if people are designing their interactions together.
Basically for the Open Knowledge Foundation, from my point of view, it could be interesting to see how we are using new tools and therefore are producing new epistemologies and knowledges of our environment.
I've also had the feeling some of us share the idea of creating new-institutions that lead a way for a post-national, non-representational democracy.
Collective Intentionality / Swarms / Hive Minds / concretely implemented and quickly negotiated. That division of labour "just happens" perfectly and how all the initiatives connected through these wires could agree on working together remains a question.
And we will also have to present something interactive with our prototypes, maybe play some kind of search game and can show how our decentralized, self-managed infrastructure is helping to build communities.
Something like this.
Taxonomy and Semantic Web/Linked Data would be another point. The fact is : this process is just _so_ dense of all these things, that I've had the feeling something special and seldom is happening.
Talk to you soon,
Jon _______________________________________________ maps mailing list

Hi, Thanks Joasef for preparing that! So for the hangout. It seems one need to have a gmail/g+ account. If too many who want to attend haven't, then we will use skype. Here info about hangout: Let me know if you don't have a gmail account. See you soon, Adrien On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Klaus Praetor <> wrote:
Unfortunately I got another appointment which I could not deny Good luck Klaus
Klaus Prätor, Kreuzstr. 18 b, 13187 Berlin fest:030-44045230. mobil:0151-40766867
"Es ist nicht gesagt, dass es besser wird, wenn es anders wird. Wenn es aber besser werden soll, muss es anders werden." Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99)
Am 12.03.2014 um 16:07 schrieb jon | gartenkarte <>:
Hi there,
how's that a Skype Hangout with multiple video? Or are you planning Google Hangouts?
As we're all in Europe, we could try
|| || \||/ \/
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:01:39 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
It would be great if we could get something more then than just disseminating the project. How could we tap into the knowledge there to bring ideas, solutions? This means what are our main challenges now? Testing the taxonomy? Identifying technical solutions?
The thing with what you call "the project" is in my perspective rather a process; it doesn't have the defined start and end dates. so we're basically looking at a loose ad-hoc cooperation, even if people are designing their interactions together.
Basically for the Open Knowledge Foundation, from my point of view, it could be interesting to see how we are using new tools and therefore are producing new epistemologies and knowledges of our environment.
I've also had the feeling some of us share the idea of creating new-institutions that lead a way for a post-national, non-representational democracy.
Collective Intentionality / Swarms / Hive Minds / concretely implemented and quickly negotiated. That division of labour "just happens" perfectly and how all the initiatives connected through these wires could agree on working together remains a question.
And we will also have to present something interactive with our prototypes, maybe play some kind of search game and can show how our decentralized, self-managed infrastructure is helping to build communities.
Something like this.
Taxonomy and Semantic Web/Linked Data would be another point. The fact is : this process is just _so_ dense of all these things, that I've had the feeling something special and seldom is happening.
Talk to you soon,
Jon _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
maps mailing list
-- Adrien Labaeye +49 176 3810 8605 Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG)

google+ mine: thomas: dont know stefans ; ) *Mag. Josef Kreitmayer* E T 0699/81 634 148 *21. - 23. März: Dragon Dreaming Einführungsworkshop. Wien.* *3. - 5. April: 2. Open Space Tagung Tiefenökologie. Wien.* <> 2014-03-14 14:50 GMT+01:00 Adrien Labaeye <>:
Hi, Thanks Joasef for preparing that! So for the hangout. It seems one need to have a gmail/g+ account. If too many who want to attend haven't, then we will use skype. Here info about hangout: Let me know if you don't have a gmail account. See you soon, Adrien
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Klaus Praetor <> wrote:
Unfortunately I got another appointment which I could not deny Good luck Klaus
Klaus Prätor, Kreuzstr. 18 b, 13187 Berlin fest:030-44045230. mobil:0151-40766867
"Es ist nicht gesagt, dass es besser wird, wenn es anders wird. Wenn es aber besser werden soll, muss es anders werden." Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99)
Am 12.03.2014 um 16:07 schrieb jon | gartenkarte <>:
Hi there,
how's that a Skype Hangout with multiple video? Or are you planning Google Hangouts?
As we're all in Europe, we could try
|| || \||/ \/
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:01:39 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
It would be great if we could get something more then than just disseminating the project. How could we tap into the knowledge there to bring ideas, solutions? This means what are our main challenges now? Testing the taxonomy? Identifying technical solutions?
The thing with what you call "the project" is in my perspective rather a process; it doesn't have the defined start and end dates. so we're basically looking at a loose ad-hoc cooperation, even if people are designing their interactions together.
Basically for the Open Knowledge Foundation, from my point of view, it could be interesting to see how we are using new tools and therefore are producing new epistemologies and knowledges of our environment.
I've also had the feeling some of us share the idea of creating new-institutions that lead a way for a post-national, non-representational democracy.
Collective Intentionality / Swarms / Hive Minds / concretely implemented and quickly negotiated. That division of labour "just happens" perfectly and how all the initiatives connected through these wires could agree on working together remains a question.
And we will also have to present something interactive with our prototypes, maybe play some kind of search game and can show how our decentralized, self-managed infrastructure is helping to build communities.
Something like this.
Taxonomy and Semantic Web/Linked Data would be another point. The fact is : this process is just _so_ dense of all these things, that I've had the feeling something special and seldom is happening.
Talk to you soon,
Jon _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
maps mailing list
-- Adrien Labaeye
+49 176 3810 8605 Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye
c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG)
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list

Moinmoin, I've created a hangout at If it doesn't work, you have to give guidance about how to make a group video chat with skype. Until then I'll be online at and watching #14mmm See you now, Jon On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:50:38 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
Hi, Thanks Joasef for preparing that! So for the hangout. It seems one need to have a gmail/g+ account. If too many who want to attend haven't, then we will use skype. Here info about hangout: Let me know if you don't have a gmail account. See you soon, Adrien
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Klaus Praetor <> wrote:
Unfortunately I got another appointment which I could not deny Good luck Klaus
Klaus Prätor, Kreuzstr. 18 b, 13187 Berlin fest:030-44045230. mobil:0151-40766867
"Es ist nicht gesagt, dass es besser wird, wenn es anders wird. Wenn es aber besser werden soll, muss es anders werden." Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99)
Am 12.03.2014 um 16:07 schrieb jon | gartenkarte <>:
Hi there,
how's that a Skype Hangout with multiple video? Or are you planning Google Hangouts?
As we're all in Europe, we could try
|| || \||/ \/
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:01:39 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
It would be great if we could get something more then than just disseminating the project. How could we tap into the knowledge there to bring ideas, solutions? This means what are our main challenges now? Testing the taxonomy? Identifying technical solutions?
The thing with what you call "the project" is in my perspective rather a process; it doesn't have the defined start and end dates. so we're basically looking at a loose ad-hoc cooperation, even if people are designing their interactions together.
Basically for the Open Knowledge Foundation, from my point of view, it could be interesting to see how we are using new tools and therefore are producing new epistemologies and knowledges of our environment.
I've also had the feeling some of us share the idea of creating new-institutions that lead a way for a post-national, non-representational democracy.
Collective Intentionality / Swarms / Hive Minds / concretely implemented and quickly negotiated. That division of labour "just happens" perfectly and how all the initiatives connected through these wires could agree on working together remains a question.
And we will also have to present something interactive with our prototypes, maybe play some kind of search game and can show how our decentralized, self-managed infrastructure is helping to build communities.
Something like this.
Taxonomy and Semantic Web/Linked Data would be another point. The fact is : this process is just _so_ dense of all these things, that I've had the feeling something special and seldom is happening.
Talk to you soon,
Jon _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
maps mailing list
-- Adrien Labaeye
+49 176 3810 8605 Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye
c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG)
-- jon | gartenkarte <>

hallo leute! kann mir irgendjemand erklären, was hier grad läuft - hab ich was verpasst? warum wird hier plötzlich englisch geredet? was ist ein hangout? wer hat wann was vereinbart???? sorry, irgendwas scheint an mir vorbei gegangen zu sein. überhaupt, jon, ich schätze dein engagement wirklich sehr, deine mails versteh ich aber oft einfach nicht ;). bitte lassts nicht die hälfte der leute mit dieser art der kommunikation zurück! danke und lg brigitte Am Freitag, den 14.03.2014, 15:28 +0100 schrieb jon | gartenkarte:
I've created a hangout at
If it doesn't work, you have to give guidance about how to make a group video chat with skype. Until then I'll be online at
and watching #14mmm
See you now,
On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:50:38 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
Hi, Thanks Joasef for preparing that! So for the hangout. It seems one need to have a gmail/g+ account. If too many who want to attend haven't, then we will use skype. Here info about hangout: Let me know if you don't have a gmail account. See you soon, Adrien
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Klaus Praetor <> wrote:
Unfortunately I got another appointment which I could not deny Good luck Klaus
Klaus Prätor, Kreuzstr. 18 b, 13187 Berlin fest:030-44045230. mobil:0151-40766867
"Es ist nicht gesagt, dass es besser wird, wenn es anders wird. Wenn es aber besser werden soll, muss es anders werden." Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99)
Am 12.03.2014 um 16:07 schrieb jon | gartenkarte <>:
Hi there,
how's that a Skype Hangout with multiple video? Or are you planning Google Hangouts?
As we're all in Europe, we could try
|| || \||/ \/
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:01:39 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
It would be great if we could get something more then than just disseminating the project. How could we tap into the knowledge there to bring ideas, solutions? This means what are our main challenges now? Testing the taxonomy? Identifying technical solutions?
The thing with what you call "the project" is in my perspective rather a process; it doesn't have the defined start and end dates. so we're basically looking at a loose ad-hoc cooperation, even if people are designing their interactions together.
Basically for the Open Knowledge Foundation, from my point of view, it could be interesting to see how we are using new tools and therefore are producing new epistemologies and knowledges of our environment.
I've also had the feeling some of us share the idea of creating new-institutions that lead a way for a post-national, non-representational democracy.
Collective Intentionality / Swarms / Hive Minds / concretely implemented and quickly negotiated. That division of labour "just happens" perfectly and how all the initiatives connected through these wires could agree on working together remains a question.
And we will also have to present something interactive with our prototypes, maybe play some kind of search game and can show how our decentralized, self-managed infrastructure is helping to build communities.
Something like this.
Taxonomy and Semantic Web/Linked Data would be another point. The fact is : this process is just _so_ dense of all these things, that I've had the feeling something special and seldom is happening.
Talk to you soon,
Jon _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
maps mailing list
-- Adrien Labaeye
+49 176 3810 8605 Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye
c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG)
-- Mag.a Brigitte Kratzwald Mühlgraben 8 A-8061 St. Radegund bei Graz TelNr: 0043(0)699/11286557 Mail: Web:

Hallo Brigitte, um dich und andere nicht im Regen stehen zu lassen: On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 17:44:03 +0100 Brigitte Kratzwald <> wrote:
hallo leute!
kann mir irgendjemand erklären, was hier grad läuft - hab ich was verpasst?
Über den "Handapparat" (händischen E-Mail-Verteiler) und diese Mailingliste hatte Adrien angeregt sich am Open Knowledge Fest zu beteiligen.
warum wird hier plötzlich englisch geredet? was ist ein hangout? wer hat wann was vereinbart????
Adrien hatte in seinem Eingangsbeitrag darum gebeten, dass wir zu diesem Thema in Englisch kommunizieren. Dies haben wir fortgesetzt. Ein Hangout ist die Google'sche Bezeichnung für einen Videochat. Es wurde nichts wirklich vereinbart : wir waren in Kontakt um unsere Aktivitäten auf das Ziel des Open Knowledge Fest hin zu koordinieren.
sorry, irgendwas scheint an mir vorbei gegangen zu sein.
Ich hoffe nicht!
überhaupt, jon, ich schätze dein engagement wirklich sehr, deine mails versteh ich aber oft einfach nicht ;).
Das geht leider nicht nur dir so :(.
bitte lassts nicht die hälfte der leute mit dieser art der kommunikation zurück!
Welche Art der Kommunikation meinst du? Welche Alternativen kannst du vorschlagen? Meine Kommmunikation basiert hauptsächlich auf Links.
danke und lg brigitte
Hättest du noch weitere Fragen? Wir wollen niemenschen hier verlieren. Danke, j*
Am Freitag, den 14.03.2014, 15:28 +0100 schrieb jon | gartenkarte:
I've created a hangout at
If it doesn't work, you have to give guidance about how to make a group video chat with skype. Until then I'll be online at
and watching #14mmm
See you now,
On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:50:38 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
Hi, Thanks Joasef for preparing that! So for the hangout. It seems one need to have a gmail/g+ account. If too many who want to attend haven't, then we will use skype. Here info about hangout: Let me know if you don't have a gmail account. See you soon, Adrien
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Klaus Praetor <> wrote:
Unfortunately I got another appointment which I could not deny Good luck Klaus
Klaus Prätor, Kreuzstr. 18 b, 13187 Berlin fest:030-44045230. mobil:0151-40766867
"Es ist nicht gesagt, dass es besser wird, wenn es anders wird. Wenn es aber besser werden soll, muss es anders werden." Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99)
Am 12.03.2014 um 16:07 schrieb jon | gartenkarte <>:
Hi there,
how's that a Skype Hangout with multiple video? Or are you planning Google Hangouts?
As we're all in Europe, we could try
|| || \||/ \/
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:01:39 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
It would be great if we could get something more then than just disseminating the project. How could we tap into the knowledge there to bring ideas, solutions? This means what are our main challenges now? Testing the taxonomy? Identifying technical solutions?
The thing with what you call "the project" is in my perspective rather a process; it doesn't have the defined start and end dates. so we're basically looking at a loose ad-hoc cooperation, even if people are designing their interactions together.
Basically for the Open Knowledge Foundation, from my point of view, it could be interesting to see how we are using new tools and therefore are producing new epistemologies and knowledges of our environment.
I've also had the feeling some of us share the idea of creating new-institutions that lead a way for a post-national, non-representational democracy.
Collective Intentionality / Swarms / Hive Minds / concretely implemented and quickly negotiated. That division of labour "just happens" perfectly and how all the initiatives connected through these wires could agree on working together remains a question.
And we will also have to present something interactive with our prototypes, maybe play some kind of search game and can show how our decentralized, self-managed infrastructure is helping to build communities.
Something like this.
Taxonomy and Semantic Web/Linked Data would be another point. The fact is : this process is just _so_ dense of all these things, that I've had the feeling something special and seldom is happening.
Talk to you soon,
Jon _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
maps mailing list
-- Adrien Labaeye
+49 176 3810 8605 Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye
c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG)
-- Mag.a Brigitte Kratzwald Mühlgraben 8 A-8061 St. Radegund bei Graz TelNr: 0043(0)699/11286557 Mail: Web:
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list
-- jon | gartenkarte <>

danke jon für die rasche antwort und aufklärung. wenn ich sage, ich verstehe deine mails nicht, dann liegt das einerseits daran, dass du in links kommunizierst :) weil nicht für alle menschen klar ersichtlich ist, was sie dann auf diesen vielen seiten machen sollen. also, zuerst beschreiben, worum es geht, welches problem du lösen willst, dann was das ding kann, wozu es gut ist, wie man es bedient - oder zumindest wo man eine gebrauchsanweisung dafür bekommt, dann den link dazu. dann bin ich auch motiviert ihn anzuklicken. wenn ich ein mails mit lauter links bekomme, von denen ich nicht weiß, worum es geht und was ich damit machen soll, dann klick ich sie manchmal gar nicht an, weil sie mich so verwirren. vor allem dann, wenn ich keine zeit habe, mir selber zusammen zu reimen, was du uns damit sagen willst. zweiter tipp: das sagen, was du meinst und nicht eine umschreibung, die für dich logisch klingt aber nicht für alle. ich kann mich an den tweet erinnern in münchen, wo du geschrieben hattest "pfeiltasten sind eure freunde" ????????? wenn du schreibst, mit den pfeiltasten könnt ihr euch weiterklicken, dann versteht das jeder :) ich hoffe, das war jetzt nicht zu unfreundlich, aber du hast gefragt ;). und ich habe ja wirklich das gefühl, dass uns das was du uns vorschlägst helfen kann und drum finde ich es eigentlich auch schade, dass ich es nicht verstehe. also, vielleicht hilft dir mein feedback ja :) lg brigitte Am Freitag, den 14.03.2014, 17:55 +0100 schrieb jon | gartenkarte:
Hallo Brigitte,
um dich und andere nicht im Regen stehen zu lassen:
On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 17:44:03 +0100 Brigitte Kratzwald <> wrote:
hallo leute!
kann mir irgendjemand erklären, was hier grad läuft - hab ich was verpasst?
Über den "Handapparat" (händischen E-Mail-Verteiler) und diese Mailingliste hatte Adrien angeregt sich am Open Knowledge Fest zu beteiligen.
warum wird hier plötzlich englisch geredet? was ist ein hangout? wer hat wann was vereinbart????
Adrien hatte in seinem Eingangsbeitrag darum gebeten, dass wir zu diesem Thema in Englisch kommunizieren. Dies haben wir fortgesetzt. Ein Hangout ist die Google'sche Bezeichnung für einen Videochat.
Es wurde nichts wirklich vereinbart : wir waren in Kontakt um unsere Aktivitäten auf das Ziel des Open Knowledge Fest hin zu koordinieren.
sorry, irgendwas scheint an mir vorbei gegangen zu sein.
Ich hoffe nicht!
überhaupt, jon, ich schätze dein engagement wirklich sehr, deine mails versteh ich aber oft einfach nicht ;).
Das geht leider nicht nur dir so :(.
bitte lassts nicht die hälfte der leute mit dieser art der kommunikation zurück!
Welche Art der Kommunikation meinst du? Welche Alternativen kannst du vorschlagen? Meine Kommmunikation basiert hauptsächlich auf Links.
danke und lg brigitte
Hättest du noch weitere Fragen? Wir wollen niemenschen hier verlieren. Danke,
Am Freitag, den 14.03.2014, 15:28 +0100 schrieb jon | gartenkarte:
I've created a hangout at
If it doesn't work, you have to give guidance about how to make a group video chat with skype. Until then I'll be online at
and watching #14mmm
See you now,
On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:50:38 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
Hi, Thanks Joasef for preparing that! So for the hangout. It seems one need to have a gmail/g+ account. If too many who want to attend haven't, then we will use skype. Here info about hangout: Let me know if you don't have a gmail account. See you soon, Adrien
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Klaus Praetor <> wrote:
Unfortunately I got another appointment which I could not deny Good luck Klaus
Klaus Prätor, Kreuzstr. 18 b, 13187 Berlin fest:030-44045230. mobil:0151-40766867
"Es ist nicht gesagt, dass es besser wird, wenn es anders wird. Wenn es aber besser werden soll, muss es anders werden." Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99)
Am 12.03.2014 um 16:07 schrieb jon | gartenkarte <>:
Hi there,
how's that a Skype Hangout with multiple video? Or are you planning Google Hangouts?
As we're all in Europe, we could try
|| || \||/ \/
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:01:39 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
> It would be great if we could get something > more then than just disseminating the project. How could we tap into the > knowledge there to bring ideas, solutions? This means what are our main > challenges now? Testing the taxonomy? Identifying technical solutions?
The thing with what you call "the project" is in my perspective rather a process; it doesn't have the defined start and end dates. so we're basically looking at a loose ad-hoc cooperation, even if people are designing their interactions together.
Basically for the Open Knowledge Foundation, from my point of view, it could be interesting to see how we are using new tools and therefore are producing new epistemologies and knowledges of our environment.
I've also had the feeling some of us share the idea of creating new-institutions that lead a way for a post-national, non-representational democracy.
Collective Intentionality / Swarms / Hive Minds / concretely implemented and quickly negotiated. That division of labour "just happens" perfectly and how all the initiatives connected through these wires could agree on working together remains a question.
And we will also have to present something interactive with our prototypes, maybe play some kind of search game and can show how our decentralized, self-managed infrastructure is helping to build communities.
Something like this.
Taxonomy and Semantic Web/Linked Data would be another point. The fact is : this process is just _so_ dense of all these things, that I've had the feeling something special and seldom is happening.
Talk to you soon,
Jon _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
maps mailing list
-- Adrien Labaeye
+49 176 3810 8605 Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye
c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG)
-- Mag.a Brigitte Kratzwald Mühlgraben 8 A-8061 St. Radegund bei Graz TelNr: 0043(0)699/11286557 Mail: Web:
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list
-- Mag.a Brigitte Kratzwald Mühlgraben 8 A-8061 St. Radegund bei Graz TelNr: 0043(0)699/11286557 Mail: Web:

Wer schickt einen link rum? Bin bereit. :) Thomas On Mar 14, 2014, at 2:50 PM, Adrien Labaeye wrote:
Hi, Thanks Joasef for preparing that! So for the hangout. It seems one need to have a gmail/g+ account. If too many who want to attend haven't, then we will use skype. Here info about hangout: Let me know if you don't have a gmail account. See you soon, Adrien
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Klaus Praetor <> wrote: Unfortunately I got another appointment which I could not deny Good luck Klaus
Klaus Prätor, Kreuzstr. 18 b, 13187 Berlin fest:030-44045230. mobil:0151-40766867
„Es ist nicht gesagt, dass es besser wird, wenn es anders wird. Wenn es aber besser werden soll, muss es anders werden.“ Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99)
Am 12.03.2014 um 16:07 schrieb jon | gartenkarte <>:
Hi there,
how's that a Skype Hangout with multiple video? Or are you planning Google Hangouts?
As we're all in Europe, we could try
|| || \||/ \/
On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:01:39 +0100 Adrien Labaeye <> wrote:
It would be great if we could get something more then than just disseminating the project. How could we tap into the knowledge there to bring ideas, solutions? This means what are our main challenges now? Testing the taxonomy? Identifying technical solutions?
The thing with what you call "the project" is in my perspective rather a process; it doesn't have the defined start and end dates. so we're basically looking at a loose ad-hoc cooperation, even if people are designing their interactions together.
Basically for the Open Knowledge Foundation, from my point of view, it could be interesting to see how we are using new tools and therefore are producing new epistemologies and knowledges of our environment.
I've also had the feeling some of us share the idea of creating new-institutions that lead a way for a post-national, non-representational democracy.
Collective Intentionality / Swarms / Hive Minds / concretely implemented and quickly negotiated. That division of labour "just happens" perfectly and how all the initiatives connected through these wires could agree on working together remains a question.
And we will also have to present something interactive with our prototypes, maybe play some kind of search game and can show how our decentralized, self-managed infrastructure is helping to build communities.
Something like this.
Taxonomy and Semantic Web/Linked Data would be another point. The fact is : this process is just _so_ dense of all these things, that I've had the feeling something special and seldom is happening.
Talk to you soon,
Jon _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
maps mailing list
-- Adrien Labaeye
+49 176 3810 8605 Skype ID: adrien.labaeye Twitter: @alabaeye LinkedIn: Adrien Labaeye
c/o Thinkfarm Berlin Oranienstraße 183 10999 Berlin (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG) _______________________________________________ maps mailing list
participants (7)
Adrien Labaeye
Brigitte Kratzwald
Francesca Pick
jon | gartenkarte
Josef Kreitmayer
Klaus Praetor
Thomas Doennebrink