Fwd: Call for papers: Critical Geographies of the Sharing Economy

Liebe alle, den folgenden Call bitte weiter verbreiten. wollen wir da transformap vorstellen und in eine geographische Perspektive setzen? LG Dominik Call for papers for the *RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2015*, University of Exeter, 2-4 September 2015 *Critical geographies of the sharing economy* The sharing economy is emerging as a powerful force for restructuring post-recession economies, for mitigating climate change through the sustainable (re-)use of resources, and for experimenting with non-capitalistic practices in which ownership and markets are replaced by access, collaborative consumption and commoning. The sharing economy is also becoming a new venue for venture capital investments, and has been accused of disrupting old industries by devolving further any legal, fiscal and social responsibilities to low-paid and unregulated “micro-entrepreneurs� who are induced to monetize personal assets and to compete against each other through self-branding. The aim of the session is to address this controversy from a geographical perspective, which is still missing. Sharing is indeed embedded in interpersonal relationships and based upon a variety of relational proximities which are needed to create links, trust, and reciprocity among people who share. These networks have a peculiar spatiality, may be more or the less inclusive, diverse, autonomous, ‘alternative’, and require the social infrastructure which is typical of cohesive communities and of densely urbanized areas. The problem is that community-based initiatives in the field often strive to survive and to up-scale. Internet-based intermediaries are indeed necessary to provide what self-organized networks rarely guarantee: efficient platforms, reputation systems and the critical mass of connections which are needed to reduce transaction costs and risks. These ICT platforms are increasingly controlled by big corporations which mobilize an array of benign geographical imaginaries - communitarism, autonomy, intimacy, reciprocity, authenticity, sustainability, etc. - for legitimising a business model that may be regarded as the last frontier of post-fordism, and as the advent of a libertarian and purely informational capitalism in which control over social networks became a major source of oligopolistic power. We invite papers which deal with the bright as well as dark side of this emerging phenomenon, and in particular: - The sharing economy and the spatiality of collaborative networks - The sharing economy and the geographies of community - The sharing economy and the diverse economies - The sharing economy and the reconfiguration of work and labour relations - The sharing economy and the extending geographies of outsourcing - The sharing economy and creative destruction - The sharing economy and (de)monetization - The sharing economy and the marketing of the self - The sharing economy and material/immaterial internet geographies - The sharing economy and libertarian/informational capitalism The session is sponsored by the *Economic Geography Research Group * If you are interested in participating, please send an abstract of max 250 words by *10 February 2015 *to the *session convenors*: Filippo Celata, University of Rome La Sapienza, filippo.celata@uniroma1.it <mailto:filippo.celata@uniroma1.it>, and Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, rriberaf@uoc.edu <mailto:rriberaf@uoc.edu> ciao, Filippo

Thanks Dominik. I'd be interested to brainstorm some ideas on how to structure such a paper and prepare an abstract. Adrien On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Dominik Reusser <reusser@pik-potsdam.de> wrote:
Liebe alle, den folgenden Call bitte weiter verbreiten.
wollen wir da transformap vorstellen und in eine geographische Perspektive setzen?
LG Dominik
Call for papers for the *RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2015*, University of Exeter, 2-4 September 2015
*Critical geographies of the sharing economy*
The sharing economy is emerging as a powerful force for restructuring post-recession economies, for mitigating climate change through the sustainable (re-)use of resources, and for experimenting with non-capitalistic practices in which ownership and markets are replaced by access, collaborative consumption and commoning. The sharing economy is also becoming a new venue for venture capital investments, and has been accused of disrupting old industries by devolving further any legal, fiscal and social responsibilities to low-paid and unregulated “micro-entrepreneurs†who are induced to monetize personal assets and to compete against each other through self-branding. The aim of the session is to address this controversy from a geographical perspective, which is still missing. Sharing is indeed embedded in interpersonal relationships and based upon a variety of relational proximities which are needed to create links, trust, and reciprocity among people who share. These networks have a peculiar spatiality, may be more or the less inclusive, diverse, autonomous, ‘alternative’, and require the social infrastructure which is typical of cohesive communities and of densely urbanized areas. The problem is that community-based initiatives in the field often strive to survive and to up-scale. Internet-based intermediaries are indeed necessary to provide what self-organized networks rarely guarantee: efficient platforms, reputation systems and the critical mass of connections which are needed to reduce transaction costs and risks. These ICT platforms are increasingly controlled by big corporations which mobilize an array of benign geographical imaginaries - communitarism, autonomy, intimacy, reciprocity, authenticity, sustainability, etc. - for legitimising a business model that may be regarded as the last frontier of post-fordism, and as the advent of a libertarian and purely informational capitalism in which control over social networks became a major source of oligopolistic power.
We invite papers which deal with the bright as well as dark side of this emerging phenomenon, and in particular: - The sharing economy and the spatiality of collaborative networks - The sharing economy and the geographies of community - The sharing economy and the diverse economies - The sharing economy and the reconfiguration of work and labour relations - The sharing economy and the extending geographies of outsourcing - The sharing economy and creative destruction - The sharing economy and (de)monetization - The sharing economy and the marketing of the self - The sharing economy and material/immaterial internet geographies - The sharing economy and libertarian/informational capitalism
The session is sponsored by the *Economic Geography Research Group * If you are interested in participating, please send an abstract of max 250 words by *10 February 2015 *to the *session convenors*: Filippo Celata, University of Rome La Sapienza, filippo.celata@uniroma1.it <mailto:filippo.celata@uniroma1.it>, and Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, rriberaf@uoc.edu <mailto:rriberaf@uoc.edu>
ciao, Filippo
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list maps@list.allmende.io http://list.allmende.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/maps
-- Adrien Labaeye +49 176 3810 8605 | Skype ID: adrien.labaeye | Twitter: @alabaeye | transitionlab.de c/o Thinkfarm Berlin | Oranienstraße 183 | 10999 Berlin | (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG) http://berlin.thinkfarm.de/

Hallo zusammen, Danke für dss Weiterleiten des Calls Dominik. Ich wäre auch beim Brainstormen dazu dabei! Beste Grüße, David Sent on the move Am 13.01.2015 15:45 schrieb "Adrien Labaeye" <adrienlabaeye@gmail.com>:
Thanks Dominik. I'd be interested to brainstorm some ideas on how to structure such a paper and prepare an abstract.
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Dominik Reusser <reusser@pik-potsdam.de> wrote:
Liebe alle, den folgenden Call bitte weiter verbreiten.
wollen wir da transformap vorstellen und in eine geographische Perspektive setzen?
LG Dominik
Call for papers for the *RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2015*, University of Exeter, 2-4 September 2015
*Critical geographies of the sharing economy*
The sharing economy is emerging as a powerful force for restructuring post-recession economies, for mitigating climate change through the sustainable (re-)use of resources, and for experimenting with non-capitalistic practices in which ownership and markets are replaced by access, collaborative consumption and commoning. The sharing economy is also becoming a new venue for venture capital investments, and has been accused of disrupting old industries by devolving further any legal, fiscal and social responsibilities to low-paid and unregulated “micro-entrepreneurs†who are induced to monetize personal assets and to compete against each other through self-branding. The aim of the session is to address this controversy from a geographical perspective, which is still missing. Sharing is indeed embedded in interpersonal relationships and based upon a variety of relational proximities which are needed to create links, trust, and reciprocity among people who share. These networks have a peculiar spatiality, may be more or the less inclusive, diverse, autonomous, ‘alternative’, and require the social infrastructure which is typical of cohesive communities and of densely urbanized areas. The problem is that community-based initiatives in the field often strive to survive and to up-scale. Internet-based intermediaries are indeed necessary to provide what self-organized networks rarely guarantee: efficient platforms, reputation systems and the critical mass of connections which are needed to reduce transaction costs and risks. These ICT platforms are increasingly controlled by big corporations which mobilize an array of benign geographical imaginaries - communitarism, autonomy, intimacy, reciprocity, authenticity, sustainability, etc. - for legitimising a business model that may be regarded as the last frontier of post-fordism, and as the advent of a libertarian and purely informational capitalism in which control over social networks became a major source of oligopolistic power.
We invite papers which deal with the bright as well as dark side of this emerging phenomenon, and in particular: - The sharing economy and the spatiality of collaborative networks - The sharing economy and the geographies of community - The sharing economy and the diverse economies - The sharing economy and the reconfiguration of work and labour relations - The sharing economy and the extending geographies of outsourcing - The sharing economy and creative destruction - The sharing economy and (de)monetization - The sharing economy and the marketing of the self - The sharing economy and material/immaterial internet geographies - The sharing economy and libertarian/informational capitalism
The session is sponsored by the *Economic Geography Research Group * If you are interested in participating, please send an abstract of max 250 words by *10 February 2015 *to the *session convenors*: Filippo Celata, University of Rome La Sapienza, filippo.celata@uniroma1.it <mailto:filippo.celata@uniroma1.it>, and Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, rriberaf@uoc.edu <mailto:rriberaf@uoc.edu>
ciao, Filippo
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list maps@list.allmende.io http://list.allmende.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/maps
-- Adrien Labaeye
+49 176 3810 8605 | Skype ID: adrien.labaeye | Twitter: @alabaeye | transitionlab.de
c/o Thinkfarm Berlin | Oranienstraße 183 | 10999 Berlin | (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG) http://berlin.thinkfarm.de/
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list maps@list.allmende.io http://list.allmende.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/maps

Guten Abend, da kann ich als Kritische Geographin (im Geiste*) natürlich nicht nein sagen.
Converted into a Trello Card for the international community of non-German potentially interested collaborators https://trello.com/c/XmGfyu9s/90-2015-02-10-cfp-critical-geographies-of-the-...
* Eine andere Geschichte, die ein ander Mal erzählt werden soll. Gute Nacht, Jon Am 13.01.2015 um 17:53 schrieb David Weingartner:
Hallo zusammen,
Danke für dss Weiterleiten des Calls Dominik. Ich wäre auch beim Brainstormen dazu dabei!
Beste Grüße, David
Sent on the move Am 13.01.2015 15:45 schrieb "Adrien Labaeye" <adrienlabaeye@gmail.com>:
Thanks Dominik. I'd be interested to brainstorm some ideas on how to structure such a paper and prepare an abstract.
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Dominik Reusser <reusser@pik-potsdam.de> wrote:
Liebe alle, den folgenden Call bitte weiter verbreiten.
wollen wir da transformap vorstellen und in eine geographische Perspektive setzen?
LG Dominik
Call for papers for the *RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2015*, University of Exeter, 2-4 September 2015
*Critical geographies of the sharing economy*
The sharing economy is emerging as a powerful force for restructuring post-recession economies, for mitigating climate change through the sustainable (re-)use of resources, and for experimenting with non-capitalistic practices in which ownership and markets are replaced by access, collaborative consumption and commoning. The sharing economy is also becoming a new venue for venture capital investments, and has been accused of disrupting old industries by devolving further any legal, fiscal and social responsibilities to low-paid and unregulated “micro-entrepreneurs†who are induced to monetize personal assets and to compete against each other through self-branding. The aim of the session is to address this controversy from a geographical perspective, which is still missing. Sharing is indeed embedded in interpersonal relationships and based upon a variety of relational proximities which are needed to create links, trust, and reciprocity among people who share. These networks have a peculiar spatiality, may be more or the less inclusive, diverse, autonomous, ‘alternative’, and require the social infrastructure which is typical of cohesive communities and of densely urbanized areas. The problem is that community-based initiatives in the field often strive to survive and to up-scale. Internet-based intermediaries are indeed necessary to provide what self-organized networks rarely guarantee: efficient platforms, reputation systems and the critical mass of connections which are needed to reduce transaction costs and risks. These ICT platforms are increasingly controlled by big corporations which mobilize an array of benign geographical imaginaries - communitarism, autonomy, intimacy, reciprocity, authenticity, sustainability, etc. - for legitimising a business model that may be regarded as the last frontier of post-fordism, and as the advent of a libertarian and purely informational capitalism in which control over social networks became a major source of oligopolistic power.
We invite papers which deal with the bright as well as dark side of this emerging phenomenon, and in particular: - The sharing economy and the spatiality of collaborative networks - The sharing economy and the geographies of community - The sharing economy and the diverse economies - The sharing economy and the reconfiguration of work and labour relations - The sharing economy and the extending geographies of outsourcing - The sharing economy and creative destruction - The sharing economy and (de)monetization - The sharing economy and the marketing of the self - The sharing economy and material/immaterial internet geographies - The sharing economy and libertarian/informational capitalism
The session is sponsored by the *Economic Geography Research Group * If you are interested in participating, please send an abstract of max 250 words by *10 February 2015 *to the *session convenors*: Filippo Celata, University of Rome La Sapienza, filippo.celata@uniroma1.it <mailto:filippo.celata@uniroma1.it>, and Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, rriberaf@uoc.edu <mailto:rriberaf@uoc.edu>
ciao, Filippo
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list maps@list.allmende.io http://list.allmende.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/maps
-- Adrien Labaeye
+49 176 3810 8605 | Skype ID: adrien.labaeye | Twitter: @alabaeye | transitionlab.de
c/o Thinkfarm Berlin | Oranienstraße 183 | 10999 Berlin | (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG) http://berlin.thinkfarm.de/
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list maps@list.allmende.io http://list.allmende.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/maps
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list maps@list.allmende.io http://list.allmende.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/maps

Liebe TransforMapper*innen, das war ein Ritt! Ich kam k.O. aber zufrieden zu Hause an und bin jetzt schon auf der nächsten Reise. Ich möchte Euch einladen, GEMEINSAM das Protokoll durchzusehen und zu korrigieren. Am besten jede*r dort, wo er/sie selbst gesprochen hat, um sicher zu stellen, dass Ihr Euch gut wiedergegeben fühlt. https://piratenpad.de/p/TransformapTreffenPotsdamJanuar2015 Bitte macht das bis zum 24.01. (also 10 Tage Bearbeitungszeit), dann würde ich am 25.01. das Protokoll "schließen" und auf unsere Website packen. (Die Frage, was wo wie veröffentlicht wird, konnten wir leider nicht ausführlich diskutieren, dafür haben wir jetzt eine erste Governance-Struktur, eine Conference of the Animals :-). Also, @Ihr Vielen, die Ihr dabei gewesen seid: Bitte helft fleißig mit! Tragt auch die Dokumentationen der Open Space Workshops ein. Ich werde NICHT nachfragen oder nachbessern. Falls jemand ein bisschen formatieren will, nur zu! Lieber Gruß Silke Coordinator of the Badgers :-)
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list maps@list.allmende.io http://list.allmende.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/maps

Wie ist es mit der Doku zu "Technical Roadmap" weitergegangen ? Jemand hat photographiert. Sind die Photos irgendwo zugänglich ? Grüße, Thomas 2015-01-14 12:33 GMT+01:00 Silke Helfrich <silke.helfrich@gmx.de>:
Liebe TransforMapper*innen,
das war ein Ritt! Ich kam k.O. aber zufrieden zu Hause an und bin jetzt schon auf der nächsten Reise. Ich möchte Euch einladen, GEMEINSAM das Protokoll durchzusehen und zu korrigieren. Am besten jede*r dort, wo er/sie selbst gesprochen hat, um sicher zu stellen, dass Ihr Euch gut wiedergegeben fühlt.
Bitte macht das bis zum 24.01. (also 10 Tage Bearbeitungszeit), dann würde ich am 25.01. das Protokoll "schließen" und auf unsere Website packen. (Die Frage, was wo wie veröffentlicht wird, konnten wir leider nicht ausführlich diskutieren, dafür haben wir jetzt eine erste Governance-Struktur, eine Conference of the Animals :-).
Also, @Ihr Vielen, die Ihr dabei gewesen seid: Bitte helft fleißig mit! Tragt auch die Dokumentationen der Open Space Workshops ein. Ich werde NICHT nachfragen oder nachbessern.
Falls jemand ein bisschen formatieren will, nur zu!
Lieber Gruß Silke Coordinator of the Badgers :-)
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list maps@list.allmende.io http://list.allmende.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/maps
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list maps@list.allmende.io http://list.allmende.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/maps

On 20/01/15 10:13, Thomas Kalka wrote:
Wie ist es mit der Doku zu "Technical Roadmap" weitergegangen ? Jemand hat photographiert. Sind die Photos irgendwo zugänglich ?
Grüße, Thomas
Hallo, ich hab meine Fotos auf unsere owncloud¹ gestellt - ich bitte jeden anderen, das auch zu tun! [1] http://owncloud.14mmm.org/public.php?service=files&t=210077583afef173fbb7b63b4129cc31 Insbesondere von demjenigen, der die Fotos für ein „Face Book“ gemacht hat, würde ich mich freuen wenn es dieses Face Book bald live gäbe :-) lg, Michael -- Michael Maier, Student of Telematics @ Graz University of Technology OpenStreetMap Graz http://osm.org/go/0Iz@paV http://wiki.osm.org/Graz http://wiki.osm.org/Graz/Stammtisch

I uploaded some of my pictures on the cloud too! Please let me if some have concerns to be on the pictures. http://owncloud.14mmm.org/public.php?service=files&t=210077583afef173fbb7b63b4129cc31 All the best, Adrien 2015-01-21 19:03 GMT+01:00 Michael Maier <Michael.Maier@student.tugraz.at>:
On 20/01/15 10:13, Thomas Kalka wrote:
Wie ist es mit der Doku zu "Technical Roadmap" weitergegangen ? Jemand hat photographiert. Sind die Photos irgendwo zugänglich ?
Grüße, Thomas
ich hab meine Fotos auf unsere owncloud¹ gestellt - ich bitte jeden anderen, das auch zu tun!
Insbesondere von demjenigen, der die Fotos für ein „Face Book“ gemacht hat, würde ich mich freuen wenn es dieses Face Book bald live gäbe :-)
lg, Michael
-- Michael Maier, Student of Telematics @ Graz University of Technology OpenStreetMap Graz http://osm.org/go/0Iz@paV http://wiki.osm.org/Graz http://wiki.osm.org/Graz/Stammtisch
_______________________________________________ maps mailing list maps@list.allmende.io http://list.allmende.io/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/maps
-- Adrien Labaeye +49 176 3810 8605 | Skype ID: adrien.labaeye | Twitter: @alabaeye | transitionlab.de c/o Thinkfarm Berlin | Oranienstraße 183 | 10999 Berlin | (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG) http://berlin.thinkfarm.de/
participants (7)
Adrien Labaeye
David Weingartner
Dominik Reusser
jon der gartenkärtner
Michael Maier
Silke Helfrich
Thomas Kalka