Fwd: Masterclass Societal Transitions

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Masterclass Societal Transitions Datum: Tue, 19 May 2015 20:09:15 +0000 Von: Flor Dinis de Araújo Avelino <avelino@drift.eur.nl> An: Transition Academy, Drift <transitionacademy@drift.eur.nl> Dear All, *We are organising a 6 -day Masterclass on Societal Transitions. Could you help us spread the word?* This June and October 2015, DRIFT/ Transition Academy <http://transitionacademy.nl/> cooperates with entrepreneurial network Impact Hub Amsterdam <https://amsterdam.impacthub.net/> to offer a 6-day Masterclass on Societal Transitions <http://transitionacademy.nl/course/mc-societal-transitions/> for professionals, researchers and practitioners. The course combines a critical and theoretical perspective on sustainability transitions and social innovation, with pragmatic tools and insights from transition management and new business development. We kindly ask you to help us spread the news about this exciting new Masterclass, by sharing it amongst your networks and people that might be interested. * Website Transition Academy: http://transitionacademy.nl/course/mc-societal-transitions/ * Website Impact Hub: https://amsterdam.impacthub.net/event/a-masterclass-in-social-innovation-sus... * Online Flyer: http://transitionacademy.nl/content/uploads/2015/04/Flyer-MC-Societal-Transi... * Twitter: https://twitter.com/TACdrift/status/600285376842969089 *For who?* This Masterclass is designed for a diverse combination of professionals, researchers, and practitioners. We believe systemic change needs diverse perspectives. We therefore invite civil servants, entrepreneurs, community leaders, students, facilitators, consultants, project leaders, sustainability activists and managers. You will represent diverse contexts but share a strong commitment to being in a learning trajectory that combines intellectual input with active participation. * * *What is it?* There are increasing expectations of the potential contribution of social innovation to deal with sustainability challenges and economic downfall. New solutions offered by social entrepreneurs and civil society networks are often a response to state and market pressures, and expected to enable societal transformation. But how do social innovations contribute to systemic change? Can they help to drive transitions towards more sustainable societies? How are social innovations replicated and scaled? What can we learn from social entrepreneurs and others to support change agendas within our organisations? This Masterclass aims to answer these questions by tapping into the latest research and practice on social innovation and sustainability transitions, drawing from the combined expertise of the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT <http://www.drift.eur.nl/?page_id=5965>), the Transition Academy <http://transitionacademy.nl/> and the Impact Hub <http://www.impacthub.net/> network. *Dates & Location* The course takes place at the Impact Hub Amsterdam, located in the city of Amsterdam in the beautiful /Westerpark/, home to many creative, cultural and innovative entrepreneurs.It is 10-15 minutes from Amsterdam Central Station by bike or bus, 40 minutes from Schiphol Airport by train & bus. The dates are: * Module I: Thursday 25 + Friday 26 + Saturday 27 June 2015 * Module II: Thursday 29 + Friday 30 + Saturday 31 October 2015 * Comeback Day: Friday 29 January 2016 *What you’ll learn* During this course, you will learn to: * ANALYSE changes in society from a systemic perspective * RECOGNISE and WORK with power dynamics * ADAPT new insights, tools and mechanisms * INCREASE your personal change capacity, using all of the above *Programme* The course consists of six training days and involves a series of interactive lectures, discussions and participatory methods, in whichparticipants are challenged to apply concepts and insights in their own contexts. The Masterclass is taught by both academics and practitioners, experts in a variety of fields, from sustainability to social entrepreneurship and transitions. Speakers include, amongst others: * Prof. Dr. Maarten Hajer (PBL, UvA) * Prof. Dr. Derk Loorbach (DRIFT) * Edwin Janssen (Natural Step) * Prof. Dr. Ir. Jan Rotmans (DRIFT) * Sabine Oberhuber (Turntoo) * Dr. Niki Frantzeskaki (DRIFT) * Drs. Mr. Marjan Minnesma MBA (Urgenda) * Tatiana Glad (Impact Hub) For more information: http://transitionacademy.nl/course/mc-societal-transitions/ Thank you and best wishes, Flor Avelino Dr. *Flor Avelino* <http://www.drift.eur.nl/?p=2720> Researcher & Lecturer Sustainability Transitions *DRIFT* <http://www.drift.eur.nl/>, Erasmus University Rotterdam Scientific Coordinator *TRANSIT Social Innovation* <http://www.transitsocialinnovation.eu/> Academic Director *Transition Academy* <http://transitionacademy.nl/> avelino@drift.eur.nl <mailto:avelino@drift.eur.nl> skype: flor_avelino @Flor Avelino @TACdrift Dr. *Flor Avelino* <http://www.drift.eur.nl/?p=2720> Researcher & Lecturer Sustainability Transitions *DRIFT* <http://www.drift.eur.nl/>, Erasmus University Rotterdam Scientific Coordinator *TRANSIT Social Innovation* <http://www.transitsocialinnovation.eu/> Academic Director *Transition Academy* <http://transitionacademy.nl/> avelino@drift.eur.nl <mailto:avelino@drift.eur.nl> skype: flor_avelino @Flor Avelino @TACdrift -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "STRN members" group. 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participants (1)
Dominik Reusser