Fwd from Silke: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy

Dear MMM/TransforMap mailing lists, forwarding a message from Silke sent to global@lists.14mmm.org. Due to disclosure of multiple private mail addresses, it sould not be delivered. See below. -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: global post from silke.helfrich@gmx.de requires approval Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:10:23 +0100 As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the following mailing list posting: List: global@lists.14mmm.org From: silke.helfrich@gmx.de Subject: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Reason: Too many recipients to the message -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:09:50 +0100 Von: Silke Helfrich <silke.helfrich@gmx.de> ALERT: @transforMappers: If there are mistakes in the following message, please correct me! + at the very end, there is some new information re. the partners for the intl. testmapping ISSUE: WHERE ARE WE AT WITH TRANFORMAP AND THE TESTMAPPING Dear all, first of all: amis québecois, I am so sorry for the delay, I have been involved in too many processes lately, but as far as TransforMap is concerned the reason for the delay in informing You, our international peers and (hopefully) co-mappers, is a really good one: First of all, we've managed to set up sth. like an initial governance structure: http://blog.14mmm.org/transformap-has-a-working-structure-and-its-wild/ That is; we went through an internal process of urgently needed f2f conversations and decision making and are now able to divide the myriad of tasks more swiftly. And secondly: we made a proposal to the European Union within their CHEST project : http://www.chest-project.eu/ Tatataaaa, we were pre-selected, meaning that now everybody is overly busy with preparing the documents for the final selection process, this would help us to finance especially the programming and the coordination work for the next year and beyond. Moreover we have been preparing the test-mapping process and tools + the partnerships to go international, for instance with Shareable in the US. All of us are very aware of the fact that we urgently need some basic information in English, and we will work on that as soon as we get two funding proposals (the one to the EU and another one) off desk. We are already working on it: http://discourse.transformap.co/t/self-description-of-transformap/164 Now; where are we at with the taxonomy and with the testmapping? Taxonomy: We've FINALLY made our decisions about the three most important category-groups: That is: - needs ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages (see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:KartenKarsten/futureMap#Needs_fulfi... - mode of interaction ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:KartenKarsten/futureMap#Mode_of_Int... - self-description of the community ----> we made the final decisions, that is: We know know which tribes we wanna start with, but we still need to finish the short descriptions in English (so, it is not yet ready for translation) Here are "the tribes"; https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:KartenKarsten/futureMap#Self-descri... As you can easily see: this is a project of CONVERGENCE; it cannot be otherwise. So, while we work together on TransforMap we enact TAPAs (There Are Plenty of Alternatives) and we network in real life (instead of only talking about the need to network) It is important to note that for TranforMap (not for OSM of course), the self-identification with one of these OR OTHER communities will be mandatory; I can explain this later. But this is the only way to - at the end - generate a global map, where we can make "all commons" visible, or "all solidarity economy projects" or simply "all TAPAs"- more on this later (because this only applies to the TransforMap layer, not for OSM (as we don't control the handling of categories, tags and data on OSM. We are also collecting the so called "Points of Interest", as this is sth. the common mapper (and user) is very interested in. TOOLS: Making the decisions about the taxonomy has been key for programming the testmapping tools, and again... it took us a while to get everything done. But now we have two options. - the first one is to collect data via our TRANSFORTESTIONAIRE: https://docs.google.com/a/getactive.org/forms/d/16LpwkNrL9YtX2-UknMO1M8k0_w0... All tags are updated to the current state of the taxonomy! You can use it RIGHT NOW, the only BUT is, that data will be collected and need to be transferred manually to OSM later, but it helps us to get the testmapping done and get feedback on the Taxonomy, - the second is, that our programmers (some magic is in there, I swear you), are about to finish a prototype for the online testmapping (needing a few more days) and that the current state of the taxonomy finally allows to work on the official and user friendly entry mask. So; If you wanna start testmapping right now: GO FOR IT and use our transfortestionaire, If you wanna wait for another tool, bear with us. TESTMAPPING: You might not be surprised that giving the huzzle and buzzle in the whole process we finally decided that we will move the testmapping days to a testmapping month, that is MAY 2015 According to your advice, dear friends in Canada, we suggest to organize testmappings at a few spots, that is: wide and exhaustive testmappings in 5 or 6 cities in different regions/continents instead of a bit of testmapping everywhere. THEREFORE WE NEED YOU SUPPORT! Our ideas for the moment: please focus on a selected place/ city or rural region) USA - Partner: Shareable (please focus on a Canada - Partner: REmix the Commons/ OSM Montreal/ Others -> I guess it will be Montreal FRANCE - Partner: ? - there will be certainly a wonderful opportunity at the Ouishare -Fest AUSTRIA - Partner: OSM Graz/ ELEVATE/ OTHERS: -> Graz GERMANY - Partner: Anstiftung/Ertomis and Others mainly TransforMappers --> Munich and/or Berlin FINLAND - http://www.commons.fi/ -> selected place in Finland The list is open! We now need to start the global conversation about the testmapping and can use our global mmm list for it (the one I am cceing); at the same time we are trying to get some funds for the test-mapping process. PLEASE REGISTER THERE - if you are interested in the process - if you need follow-up information - if you can contribute sth (proposals/ translations/ partnership for testmapping/ whatever idea and resources) If I forgot to respond to any of your questions, I will be happy to do so asap. Please forgive me that I won't re-read and correct my e-mail, but I still have to phone conferences waiting for me tonight :-) Many, many thanks for all the support you've provided so far Silke for the TransforMappers in Germany and Austria
@Silke :
Does the Global Mapping Day of Marsh 6th and 7th confirmed ? Do you have any material we can use to promote and mobilize people there ? Thanks for your information.
Best Fred

Dear lists, sorry for the message mess. Maybe there's a reason for the ethymologic proximity of both words ... ... some comments, as requested. jon Am 17.02.2015 um 22:48 schrieb TransforMap collective:
Betreff: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:09:50 +0100 Von: Silke Helfrich <silke.helfrich@gmx.de>
ALERT: @transforMappers: If there are mistakes in the following message, please correct me! + at the very end, there is some new information re. the partners for the intl. testmapping
The current permalink for the OSM proposal is - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/TransforMap under which name it is also listed on - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Proposals&pagefrom=Proposed+features%2FTransforMap#mw-pages
We are also collecting the so called "Points of Interest", as this is sth. the common mapper (and user) is very interested in.
While observing the Telegrafenberg discussions, Daniel made me aware of the use of the term "Points of Interest" within the group when people actually wanted to say "Classes of Points of Interest". A "Point of Interest" itself is every spatial phenomenon which we encode with a mere dot. The groupings of their properties can then emerge into classes. @DanielJ Could you please reformulate the argument in your own words?
- the second is, that our programmers (some magic is in there, I swear you), are about to finish a prototype for the online testmapping (needing a few more days) and that the current state of the taxonomy finally allows to work on the official and user friendly entry mask.
Please note that the terms "prototype" and "user friendly" often contradict each other. Not to produce too Great Expectations.
If you wanna wait for another tool, bear with us.
We now need to start the global conversation about the testmapping and can use our global mmm list for it (the one I am cceing);
PLEASE REGISTER THERE - if you are interested in the process - if you need follow-up information - if you can contribute sth (proposals/ translations/ partnership for testmapping/ whatever idea and resources)
The global mailing list interface is at - http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global If you feel overwhelmed by email sometimes (like me), you can also converse with (some of) us and others on the Web. There is now a Discourse category for testmappings: - http://discourse.transformap.co/c/vocabularies-and-data/staging-area

Dear Silke, and dear Transformappers, thanks for the thorough update. Wow, what an achievement so far! I would really like to be able to start participating to your activities, not just as individual... so I have 4 proposals / suggestions I'd like to share with you: 1. Find ways for a participation / collaboration with RIPESS - Solidarity Economy Europe network, throughout the membership in several of the European countries. One example could be with the survey RIPESS is launching in March for the "Panorama of Solidarity Economy in Europe" - where there could certainly be overlapping and info sharing - but also co-promotion... 2. Same with the ESSGlobal group, which is still active and advancing on the international interoperability and open-linked data / semantic web use for the mappings - there has been a first exchange with Joseph - probably we should have some more exchanges so we don't just continue going in parallel: I think there are many common aspects to explore where we could work together; 3. I can try to participate to the first test in my town, Florence (Italy). We already have a local Solidarity and Alternative Economy network and I'm positive that many will be interested / willing to map their initiatives or share their info. 4. Finally, with the Italian CNR (National Research Center) my organization Solidarius is working on a European project proposal (Horizon 2020) for a portal on "economic intelligence" that is an evolution of the one developed by Solidarius International (Euclides Mance, Brasil - you remember him from the degrowth conference). Part of that is also about mapping and data collection and I think the approach Trasformap has developed could be very useful as well. Perhaps we could have a partnership in such a project (we would also need a University o Research center to partner). Other countries, besides Italy and Germany, are probably going to be Portugal and Spain (and maybe Greece). That's all folks...! In solidarity, Jason Nardi www.solidarius.it www.ripess.eu On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:48 PM, TransforMap collective < collective@transformap.co> wrote:
Dear MMM/TransforMap mailing lists,
forwarding a message from Silke sent to global@lists.14mmm.org.
Due to disclosure of multiple private mail addresses, it sould not be delivered.
See below.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: global post from silke.helfrich@gmx.de requires approval Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:10:23 +0100
As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the following mailing list posting:
List: global@lists.14mmm.org From: silke.helfrich@gmx.de Subject: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Reason: Too many recipients to the message
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:09:50 +0100 Von: Silke Helfrich <silke.helfrich@gmx.de>
ALERT: @transforMappers: If there are mistakes in the following message, please correct me! + at the very end, there is some new information re. the partners for the intl. testmapping
Dear all,
first of all: amis québecois, I am so sorry for the delay, I have been involved in too many processes lately, but as far as TransforMap is concerned the reason for the delay in informing You, our international peers and (hopefully) co-mappers, is a really good one:
First of all, we've managed to set up sth. like an initial governance structure: http://blog.14mmm.org/transformap-has-a-working-structure-and-its-wild/
That is; we went through an internal process of urgently needed f2f conversations and decision making and are now able to divide the myriad of tasks more swiftly.
And secondly: we made a proposal to the European Union within their CHEST project : http://www.chest-project.eu/
Tatataaaa, we were pre-selected, meaning that now everybody is overly busy with preparing the documents for the final selection process, this would help us to finance especially the programming and the coordination work for the next year and beyond.
Moreover we have been preparing the test-mapping process and tools + the partnerships to go international, for instance with Shareable in the US.
All of us are very aware of the fact that we urgently need some basic information in English, and we will work on that as soon as we get two funding proposals (the one to the EU and another one) off desk. We are already working on it: http://discourse.transformap.co/t/self-description-of-transformap/164
Now; where are we at with the taxonomy and with the testmapping?
Taxonomy: We've FINALLY made our decisions about the three most important category-groups: That is: - needs ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages (see
- mode of interaction ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages
- self-description of the community ----> we made the final decisions, that is: We know know which tribes we wanna start with, but we still need to finish the short descriptions in English (so, it is not yet ready for translation) Here are "the tribes";
As you can easily see: this is a project of CONVERGENCE; it cannot be otherwise. So, while we work together on TransforMap we enact TAPAs (There Are Plenty of Alternatives) and we network in real life (instead of only talking about the need to network)
It is important to note that for TranforMap (not for OSM of course), the self-identification with one of these OR OTHER communities will be mandatory; I can explain this later. But this is the only way to - at the end - generate a global map, where we can make "all commons" visible, or "all solidarity economy projects" or simply "all TAPAs"- more on this later (because this only applies to the TransforMap layer, not for OSM (as we don't control the handling of categories, tags and data on OSM.
We are also collecting the so called "Points of Interest", as this is sth. the common mapper (and user) is very interested in.
TOOLS: Making the decisions about the taxonomy has been key for programming the testmapping tools, and again... it took us a while to get everything done. But now we have two options.
- the first one is to collect data via our TRANSFORTESTIONAIRE:
All tags are updated to the current state of the taxonomy! You can use it RIGHT NOW, the only BUT is, that data will be collected and need to be transferred manually to OSM later, but it helps us to get the testmapping done and get feedback on the Taxonomy,
- the second is, that our programmers (some magic is in there, I swear you), are about to finish a prototype for the online testmapping (needing a few more days) and that the current state of the taxonomy finally allows to work on the official and user friendly entry mask.
So; If you wanna start testmapping right now: GO FOR IT and use our transfortestionaire, If you wanna wait for another tool, bear with us.
You might not be surprised that giving the huzzle and buzzle in the whole process we finally decided that we will move the testmapping days to a testmapping month, that is MAY 2015
According to your advice, dear friends in Canada, we suggest to organize testmappings at a few spots, that is: wide and exhaustive testmappings in 5 or 6 cities in different regions/continents instead of a bit of testmapping everywhere.
Our ideas for the moment: please focus on a selected place/ city or rural region) USA - Partner: Shareable (please focus on a Canada - Partner: REmix the Commons/ OSM Montreal/ Others -> I guess it will be Montreal FRANCE - Partner: ? - there will be certainly a wonderful opportunity at the Ouishare -Fest AUSTRIA - Partner: OSM Graz/ ELEVATE/ OTHERS: -> Graz GERMANY - Partner: Anstiftung/Ertomis and Others mainly TransforMappers --> Munich and/or Berlin FINLAND - http://www.commons.fi/ -> selected place in Finland
The list is open!
We now need to start the global conversation about the testmapping and can use our global mmm list for it (the one I am cceing); at the same time we are trying to get some funds for the test-mapping process.
PLEASE REGISTER THERE - if you are interested in the process - if you need follow-up information - if you can contribute sth (proposals/ translations/ partnership for testmapping/ whatever idea and resources)
If I forgot to respond to any of your questions, I will be happy to do so asap.
Please forgive me that I won't re-read and correct my e-mail, but I still have to phone conferences waiting for me tonight :-)
Many, many thanks for all the support you've provided so far
Silke for the TransforMappers in Germany and Austria
@Silke :
Does the Global Mapping Day of Marsh 6th and 7th confirmed ? Do you have any material we can use to promote and mobilize people there ? Thanks for your information.
Best Fred
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global

Good evening Jason, so happy you are still with us and writing in the perfect moment, as I am just coming back from a Hacksprint in Witzenhausen with Gualter [1] and setting up my new working desk [2] to get on with intensively writing a TransforLab H2020 Application [3] and leading it to a successful formulation [4]. After sitting with François Schneider, who was just around and didn't object our approaches too much, we're even more confident of our proposal. Actually RIPESS is one of the last missing building blocks to a strong consortium. As we already have a couple organisations from Germany, France and Great Britain in closer consideration, we want to ask if RIPESS Spain wants to join TransforLab. An official invitation is due this week; now you just created facts beforehand. If there is sincere interest, please write back to lab@transformap.co so we can keep respective persons into the loop. For any other cooperation possibilities in regards of TransforMap, I will let the others talk. Keen on anything that's in front of us, Jon Richter important link: [3] http://h2020.transformap.co + http://transforlab.net context noise links: [4] https://stackedit.allmende.io/viewer?url=https://edit.transformap.co/stacked... [1] http://timemapper.okfnlabs.org/almereyda/transforlab-timemap#1 + https://stackedit.allmende.io/viewer?url=https://edit.transformap.co/stacked... [2] https://twitter.com/almereyda/status/570313060101033984 On 24.02.2015 14:33, Jason Nardi wrote:
Dear Silke, and dear Transformappers,
thanks for the thorough update. Wow, what an achievement so far!
I would really like to be able to start participating to your activities, not just as individual... so I have 4 proposals / suggestions I'd like to share with you:
1. Find ways for a participation / collaboration with RIPESS - Solidarity Economy Europe network, throughout the membership in several of the European countries. One example could be with the survey RIPESS is launching in March for the "Panorama of Solidarity Economy in Europe" - where there could certainly be overlapping and info sharing - but also co-promotion...
2. Same with the ESSGlobal group, which is still active and advancing on the international interoperability and open-linked data / semantic web use for the mappings - there has been a first exchange with Joseph - probably we should have some more exchanges so we don't just continue going in parallel: I think there are many common aspects to explore where we could work together;
3. I can try to participate to the first test in my town, Florence (Italy). We already have a local Solidarity and Alternative Economy network and I'm positive that many will be interested / willing to map their initiatives or share their info.
4. Finally, with the Italian CNR (National Research Center) my organization Solidarius is working on a European project proposal (Horizon 2020) for a portal on "economic intelligence" that is an evolution of the one developed by Solidarius International (Euclides Mance, Brasil - you remember him from the degrowth conference). Part of that is also about mapping and data collection and I think the approach Trasformap has developed could be very useful as well. Perhaps we could have a partnership in such a project (we would also need a University o Research center to partner). Other countries, besides Italy and Germany, are probably going to be Portugal and Spain (and maybe Greece).
That's all folks...!
In solidarity, Jason Nardi
www.solidarius.it www.ripess.eu
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:48 PM, TransforMap collective < collective@transformap.co> wrote:
Dear MMM/TransforMap mailing lists,
forwarding a message from Silke sent to global@lists.14mmm.org.
Due to disclosure of multiple private mail addresses, it sould not be delivered.
See below.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: global post from silke.helfrich@gmx.de requires approval Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:10:23 +0100
As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the following mailing list posting:
List: global@lists.14mmm.org From: silke.helfrich@gmx.de Subject: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Reason: Too many recipients to the message
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:09:50 +0100 Von: Silke Helfrich <silke.helfrich@gmx.de>
ALERT: @transforMappers: If there are mistakes in the following message, please correct me! + at the very end, there is some new information re. the partners for the intl. testmapping
Dear all,
first of all: amis québecois, I am so sorry for the delay, I have been involved in too many processes lately, but as far as TransforMap is concerned the reason for the delay in informing You, our international peers and (hopefully) co-mappers, is a really good one:
First of all, we've managed to set up sth. like an initial governance structure: http://blog.14mmm.org/transformap-has-a-working-structure-and-its-wild/
That is; we went through an internal process of urgently needed f2f conversations and decision making and are now able to divide the myriad of tasks more swiftly.
And secondly: we made a proposal to the European Union within their CHEST project : http://www.chest-project.eu/
Tatataaaa, we were pre-selected, meaning that now everybody is overly busy with preparing the documents for the final selection process, this would help us to finance especially the programming and the coordination work for the next year and beyond.
Moreover we have been preparing the test-mapping process and tools + the partnerships to go international, for instance with Shareable in the US.
All of us are very aware of the fact that we urgently need some basic information in English, and we will work on that as soon as we get two funding proposals (the one to the EU and another one) off desk. We are already working on it: http://discourse.transformap.co/t/self-description-of-transformap/164
Now; where are we at with the taxonomy and with the testmapping?
Taxonomy: We've FINALLY made our decisions about the three most important category-groups: That is: - needs ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages (see
- mode of interaction ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages
- self-description of the community ----> we made the final decisions, that is: We know know which tribes we wanna start with, but we still need to finish the short descriptions in English (so, it is not yet ready for translation) Here are "the tribes";
As you can easily see: this is a project of CONVERGENCE; it cannot be otherwise. So, while we work together on TransforMap we enact TAPAs (There Are Plenty of Alternatives) and we network in real life (instead of only talking about the need to network)
It is important to note that for TranforMap (not for OSM of course), the self-identification with one of these OR OTHER communities will be mandatory; I can explain this later. But this is the only way to - at the end - generate a global map, where we can make "all commons" visible, or "all solidarity economy projects" or simply "all TAPAs"- more on this later (because this only applies to the TransforMap layer, not for OSM (as we don't control the handling of categories, tags and data on OSM.
We are also collecting the so called "Points of Interest", as this is sth. the common mapper (and user) is very interested in.
TOOLS: Making the decisions about the taxonomy has been key for programming the testmapping tools, and again... it took us a while to get everything done. But now we have two options.
- the first one is to collect data via our TRANSFORTESTIONAIRE:
All tags are updated to the current state of the taxonomy! You can use it RIGHT NOW, the only BUT is, that data will be collected and need to be transferred manually to OSM later, but it helps us to get the testmapping done and get feedback on the Taxonomy,
- the second is, that our programmers (some magic is in there, I swear you), are about to finish a prototype for the online testmapping (needing a few more days) and that the current state of the taxonomy finally allows to work on the official and user friendly entry mask.
So; If you wanna start testmapping right now: GO FOR IT and use our transfortestionaire, If you wanna wait for another tool, bear with us.
You might not be surprised that giving the huzzle and buzzle in the whole process we finally decided that we will move the testmapping days to a testmapping month, that is MAY 2015
According to your advice, dear friends in Canada, we suggest to organize testmappings at a few spots, that is: wide and exhaustive testmappings in 5 or 6 cities in different regions/continents instead of a bit of testmapping everywhere.
Our ideas for the moment: please focus on a selected place/ city or rural region) USA - Partner: Shareable (please focus on a Canada - Partner: REmix the Commons/ OSM Montreal/ Others -> I guess it will be Montreal FRANCE - Partner: ? - there will be certainly a wonderful opportunity at the Ouishare -Fest AUSTRIA - Partner: OSM Graz/ ELEVATE/ OTHERS: -> Graz GERMANY - Partner: Anstiftung/Ertomis and Others mainly TransforMappers --> Munich and/or Berlin FINLAND - http://www.commons.fi/ -> selected place in Finland
The list is open!
We now need to start the global conversation about the testmapping and can use our global mmm list for it (the one I am cceing); at the same time we are trying to get some funds for the test-mapping process.
PLEASE REGISTER THERE - if you are interested in the process - if you need follow-up information - if you can contribute sth (proposals/ translations/ partnership for testmapping/ whatever idea and resources)
If I forgot to respond to any of your questions, I will be happy to do so asap.
Please forgive me that I won't re-read and correct my e-mail, but I still have to phone conferences waiting for me tonight :-)
Many, many thanks for all the support you've provided so far
Silke for the TransforMappers in Germany and Austria
@Silke :
Does the Global Mapping Day of Marsh 6th and 7th confirmed ? Do you have any material we can use to promote and mobilize people there ? Thanks for your information.
Best Fred
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global

Hi Jon, any news? As RIPESS we've discussed your proposal [TransforLab] and are ready to engage. But we need to have some written info... and the time necessary to have any formal documentation ready. I also would like to relaunch my proposals (see message below) to the whole collective. In particular, as Solidarius Italy we're working with the Italian CNR (National Research Center) on a project application for the development and implementation of the existing Solidarius platform to help the build-up and consolidation of solidarity economy territorial networks. I think it would be really useful if on the work Transformap has done with Openstreetmaps we could establish a collaboration. Who can I talk to about this? In solidarity, Jason Nardi Il martedì 24 febbraio 2015, jon richter <post@jonrichter.de> ha scritto:
Good evening Jason,
so happy you are still with us and writing in the perfect moment, as I am just coming back from a Hacksprint in Witzenhausen with Gualter [1] and setting up my new working desk [2] to get on with intensively writing a TransforLab H2020 Application [3] and leading it to a successful formulation [4].
After sitting with François Schneider, who was just around and didn't object our approaches too much, we're even more confident of our proposal.
Actually RIPESS is one of the last missing building blocks to a strong consortium. As we already have a couple organisations from Germany, France and Great Britain in closer consideration, we want to ask if RIPESS Spain wants to join TransforLab. An official invitation is due this week; now you just created facts beforehand.
If there is sincere interest, please write back to
so we can keep respective persons into the loop.
For any other cooperation possibilities in regards of TransforMap, I will let the others talk.
Keen on anything that's in front of us,
Jon Richter
important link:
[3] http://h2020.transformap.co + http://transforlab.net
context noise links:
https://stackedit.allmende.io/viewer?url=https://edit.transformap.co/stacked... [1] http://timemapper.okfnlabs.org/almereyda/transforlab-timemap#1 +
https://stackedit.allmende.io/viewer?url=https://edit.transformap.co/stacked... [2] https://twitter.com/almereyda/status/570313060101033984
On 24.02.2015 14:33, Jason Nardi wrote:
Dear Silke, and dear Transformappers,
thanks for the thorough update. Wow, what an achievement so far!
I would really like to be able to start participating to your activities, not just as individual... so I have 4 proposals / suggestions I'd like to share with you:
1. Find ways for a participation / collaboration with RIPESS - Solidarity Economy Europe network, throughout the membership in several of the European countries. One example could be with the survey RIPESS is launching in March for the "Panorama of Solidarity Economy in Europe" - where there could certainly be overlapping and info sharing - but also co-promotion...
2. Same with the ESSGlobal group, which is still active and advancing on the international interoperability and open-linked data / semantic web use for the mappings - there has been a first exchange with Joseph - probably we should have some more exchanges so we don't just continue going in parallel: I think there are many common aspects to explore where we could work together;
3. I can try to participate to the first test in my town, Florence (Italy). We already have a local Solidarity and Alternative Economy network and I'm positive that many will be interested / willing to map their initiatives or share their info.
4. Finally, with the Italian CNR (National Research Center) my organization Solidarius is working on a European project proposal (Horizon 2020) for a portal on "economic intelligence" that is an evolution of the one developed by Solidarius International (Euclides Mance, Brasil - you remember him from the degrowth conference). Part of that is also about mapping and data collection and I think the approach Trasformap has developed could be very useful as well. Perhaps we could have a partnership in such a project (we would also need a University o Research center to partner). Other countries, besides Italy and Germany, are probably going to be Portugal and Spain (and maybe Greece).
That's all folks...!
In solidarity, Jason Nardi
www.solidarius.it www.ripess.eu
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:48 PM, TransforMap collective < collective@transformap.co> wrote:
Dear MMM/TransforMap mailing lists,
forwarding a message from Silke sent to global@lists.14mmm.org.
Due to disclosure of multiple private mail addresses, it sould not be delivered.
See below.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: global post from silke.helfrich@gmx.de requires approval Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:10:23 +0100
As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the following mailing list posting:
List: global@lists.14mmm.org From: silke.helfrich@gmx.de Subject: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Reason: Too many recipients to the message
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:09:50 +0100 Von: Silke Helfrich <silke.helfrich@gmx.de>
ALERT: @transforMappers: If there are mistakes in the following message, please correct me! + at the very end, there is some new information re. the partners for the intl. testmapping
Dear all,
first of all: amis québecois, I am so sorry for the delay, I have been involved in too many processes lately, but as far as TransforMap is concerned the reason for the delay in informing You, our international peers and (hopefully) co-mappers, is a really good one:
First of all, we've managed to set up sth. like an initial governance structure: http://blog.14mmm.org/transformap-has-a-working-structure-and-its-wild/
That is; we went through an internal process of urgently needed f2f conversations and decision making and are now able to divide the myriad of tasks more swiftly.
And secondly: we made a proposal to the European Union within their CHEST project : http://www.chest-project.eu/
Tatataaaa, we were pre-selected, meaning that now everybody is overly busy with preparing the documents for the final selection process, this would help us to finance especially the programming and the coordination work for the next year and beyond.
Moreover we have been preparing the test-mapping process and tools + the partnerships to go international, for instance with Shareable in the US.
All of us are very aware of the fact that we urgently need some basic information in English, and we will work on that as soon as we get two funding proposals (the one to the EU and another one) off desk. We are already working on it: http://discourse.transformap.co/t/self-description-of-transformap/164
Now; where are we at with the taxonomy and with the testmapping?
Taxonomy: We've FINALLY made our decisions about the three most important category-groups: That is: - needs ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages (see
- mode of interaction ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages
- self-description of the community ----> we made the final decisions, that is: We know know which tribes we wanna start with, but we still need to finish the short descriptions in English (so, it is not yet ready for translation) Here are "the tribes";
As you can easily see: this is a project of CONVERGENCE; it cannot be otherwise. So, while we work together on TransforMap we enact TAPAs (There Are Plenty of Alternatives) and we network in real life (instead of only talking about the need to network)
It is important to note that for TranforMap (not for OSM of course), the self-identification with one of these OR OTHER communities will be mandatory; I can explain this later. But this is the only way to - at the end - generate a global map, where we can make "all commons" visible, or "all solidarity economy projects" or simply "all TAPAs"- more on this later (because this only applies to the TransforMap layer, not for OSM (as we don't control the handling of categories, tags and data on OSM.
We are also collecting the so called "Points of Interest", as this is sth. the common mapper (and user) is very interested in.
TOOLS: Making the decisions about the taxonomy has been key for programming the testmapping tools, and again... it took us a while to get everything done. But now we have two options.
- the first one is to collect data via our TRANSFORTESTIONAIRE:
All tags are updated to the current state of the taxonomy! You can use it RIGHT NOW, the only BUT is, that data will be collected and need to be transferred manually to OSM later, but it helps us to get the testmapping done and get feedback on the Taxonomy,
- the second is, that our programmers (some magic is in there, I swear you), are about to finish a prototype for the online testmapping (needing a few more days) and that the current state of the taxonomy finally allows to work on the official and user friendly entry mask.
So; If you wanna start testmapping right now: GO FOR IT and use our transfortestionaire, If you wanna wait for another tool, bear with us.
You might not be surprised that giving the huzzle and buzzle in the whole process we finally decided that we will move the testmapping days to a testmapping month, that is MAY 2015
According to your advice, dear friends in Canada, we suggest to organize testmappings at a few spots, that is: wide and exhaustive testmappings in 5 or 6 cities in different regions/continents instead of a bit of testmapping everywhere.
Our ideas for the moment: please focus on a selected place/ city or rural region) USA - Partner: Shareable (please focus on a Canada - Partner: REmix the Commons/ OSM Montreal/ Others -> I guess it will be Montreal FRANCE - Partner: ? - there will be certainly a wonderful opportunity at the Ouishare -Fest AUSTRIA - Partner: OSM Graz/ ELEVATE/ OTHERS: -> Graz GERMANY - Partner: Anstiftung/Ertomis and Others mainly TransforMappers --> Munich and/or Berlin FINLAND - http://www.commons.fi/ -> selected place in Finland
The list is open!
We now need to start the global conversation about the testmapping and can use our global mmm list for it (the one I am cceing); at the same time we are trying to get some funds for the test-mapping process.
PLEASE REGISTER THERE - if you are interested in the process - if you need follow-up information - if you can contribute sth (proposals/ translations/ partnership for testmapping/ whatever idea and resources)
If I forgot to respond to any of your questions, I will be happy to do so asap.
Please forgive me that I won't re-read and correct my e-mail, but I still have to phone conferences waiting for me tonight :-)
Many, many thanks for all the support you've provided so far
Silke for the TransforMappers in Germany and Austria
@Silke :
Does the Global Mapping Day of Marsh 6th and 7th confirmed ? Do you
any material we can use to promote and mobilize people there ? Thanks for your information.
Best Fred
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global

Dear Solidary Economists Jason, Eric and Fernando. From my silence you must have concluded the halt of our proposal. Indeed I've found a beautiful private ~nk€ debt in my papers, which almost stopped any performance. But as we are talking about distributed systems here, the work progressed in another context which Gualter and me are currently supporting. This proposal could make use of contributions from you and I would be happy to get in touch about how these could look like. --- I'm available on the following channels: * mailto:post@jonrichter.de * skype:yalamerde * hangouts:jon.richter@gmail.com In further progression of this conversation it will make sense to create an account on https://github.com ,if not done already. Please provide it within your reply. --- And please excuse my recent incapability to deliver appropriate continuity. I just didn't think about myself. Most sincerely, spring greetings from Paris [1], Jon [1] http://timemapper.okfnlabs.org/almereyda/transforlab-timemap#8 Am 13.03.2015 um 15:16 schrieb Jason Nardi:
Hi Jon,
any news? As RIPESS we've discussed your proposal [TransforLab] and are ready to engage. But we need to have some written info... and the time necessary to have any formal documentation ready.
I also would like to relaunch my proposals (see message below) to the whole collective. In particular, as Solidarius Italy we're working with the Italian CNR (National Research Center) on a project application for the development and implementation of the existing Solidarius platform to help the build-up and consolidation of solidarity economy territorial networks. I think it would be really useful if on the work Transformap has done with Openstreetmaps we could establish a collaboration. Who can I talk to about this?
In solidarity, Jason Nardi
Il martedì 24 febbraio 2015, jon richter <post@jonrichter.de> ha scritto:
Good evening Jason,
so happy you are still with us and writing in the perfect moment, as I am just coming back from a Hacksprint in Witzenhausen with Gualter [1] and setting up my new working desk [2] to get on with intensively writing a TransforLab H2020 Application [3] and leading it to a successful formulation [4].
After sitting with François Schneider, who was just around and didn't object our approaches too much, we're even more confident of our proposal.
Actually RIPESS is one of the last missing building blocks to a strong consortium. As we already have a couple organisations from Germany, France and Great Britain in closer consideration, we want to ask if RIPESS Spain wants to join TransforLab. An official invitation is due this week; now you just created facts beforehand.
If there is sincere interest, please write back to
so we can keep respective persons into the loop.
For any other cooperation possibilities in regards of TransforMap, I will let the others talk.
Keen on anything that's in front of us,
Jon Richter
important link:
[3] http://h2020.transformap.co + http://transforlab.net
context noise links:
https://stackedit.allmende.io/viewer?url=https://edit.transformap.co/stacked... [1] http://timemapper.okfnlabs.org/almereyda/transforlab-timemap#1 +
https://stackedit.allmende.io/viewer?url=https://edit.transformap.co/stacked... [2] https://twitter.com/almereyda/status/570313060101033984
On 24.02.2015 14:33, Jason Nardi wrote:
Dear Silke, and dear Transformappers,
thanks for the thorough update. Wow, what an achievement so far!
I would really like to be able to start participating to your activities, not just as individual... so I have 4 proposals / suggestions I'd like to share with you:
1. Find ways for a participation / collaboration with RIPESS - Solidarity Economy Europe network, throughout the membership in several of the European countries. One example could be with the survey RIPESS is launching in March for the "Panorama of Solidarity Economy in Europe" - where there could certainly be overlapping and info sharing - but also co-promotion...
2. Same with the ESSGlobal group, which is still active and advancing on the international interoperability and open-linked data / semantic web use for the mappings - there has been a first exchange with Joseph - probably we should have some more exchanges so we don't just continue going in parallel: I think there are many common aspects to explore where we could work together;
3. I can try to participate to the first test in my town, Florence (Italy). We already have a local Solidarity and Alternative Economy network and I'm positive that many will be interested / willing to map their initiatives or share their info.
4. Finally, with the Italian CNR (National Research Center) my organization Solidarius is working on a European project proposal (Horizon 2020) for a portal on "economic intelligence" that is an evolution of the one developed by Solidarius International (Euclides Mance, Brasil - you remember him from the degrowth conference). Part of that is also about mapping and data collection and I think the approach Trasformap has developed could be very useful as well. Perhaps we could have a partnership in such a project (we would also need a University o Research center to partner). Other countries, besides Italy and Germany, are probably going to be Portugal and Spain (and maybe Greece).
That's all folks...!
In solidarity, Jason Nardi
www.solidarius.it www.ripess.eu
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:48 PM, TransforMap collective < collective@transformap.co> wrote:
Dear MMM/TransforMap mailing lists,
forwarding a message from Silke sent to global@lists.14mmm.org.
Due to disclosure of multiple private mail addresses, it sould not be delivered.
See below.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: global post from silke.helfrich@gmx.de requires approval Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:10:23 +0100
As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the following mailing list posting:
List: global@lists.14mmm.org From: silke.helfrich@gmx.de Subject: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Reason: Too many recipients to the message
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:09:50 +0100 Von: Silke Helfrich <silke.helfrich@gmx.de>
ALERT: @transforMappers: If there are mistakes in the following message, please correct me! + at the very end, there is some new information re. the partners for the intl. testmapping
Dear all,
first of all: amis québecois, I am so sorry for the delay, I have been involved in too many processes lately, but as far as TransforMap is concerned the reason for the delay in informing You, our international peers and (hopefully) co-mappers, is a really good one:
First of all, we've managed to set up sth. like an initial governance structure: http://blog.14mmm.org/transformap-has-a-working-structure-and-its-wild/
That is; we went through an internal process of urgently needed f2f conversations and decision making and are now able to divide the myriad of tasks more swiftly.
And secondly: we made a proposal to the European Union within their CHEST project : http://www.chest-project.eu/
Tatataaaa, we were pre-selected, meaning that now everybody is overly busy with preparing the documents for the final selection process, this would help us to finance especially the programming and the coordination work for the next year and beyond.
Moreover we have been preparing the test-mapping process and tools + the partnerships to go international, for instance with Shareable in the US.
All of us are very aware of the fact that we urgently need some basic information in English, and we will work on that as soon as we get two funding proposals (the one to the EU and another one) off desk. We are already working on it: http://discourse.transformap.co/t/self-description-of-transformap/164
Now; where are we at with the taxonomy and with the testmapping?
Taxonomy: We've FINALLY made our decisions about the three most important category-groups: That is: - needs ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages (see
- mode of interaction ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages
- self-description of the community ----> we made the final decisions, that is: We know know which tribes we wanna start with, but we still need to finish the short descriptions in English (so, it is not yet ready for translation) Here are "the tribes";
As you can easily see: this is a project of CONVERGENCE; it cannot be otherwise. So, while we work together on TransforMap we enact TAPAs (There Are Plenty of Alternatives) and we network in real life (instead of only talking about the need to network)
It is important to note that for TranforMap (not for OSM of course), the self-identification with one of these OR OTHER communities will be mandatory; I can explain this later. But this is the only way to - at the end - generate a global map, where we can make "all commons" visible, or "all solidarity economy projects" or simply "all TAPAs"- more on this later (because this only applies to the TransforMap layer, not for OSM (as we don't control the handling of categories, tags and data on OSM.
We are also collecting the so called "Points of Interest", as this is sth. the common mapper (and user) is very interested in.
TOOLS: Making the decisions about the taxonomy has been key for programming the testmapping tools, and again... it took us a while to get everything done. But now we have two options.
- the first one is to collect data via our TRANSFORTESTIONAIRE:
All tags are updated to the current state of the taxonomy! You can use it RIGHT NOW, the only BUT is, that data will be collected and need to be transferred manually to OSM later, but it helps us to get the testmapping done and get feedback on the Taxonomy,
- the second is, that our programmers (some magic is in there, I swear you), are about to finish a prototype for the online testmapping (needing a few more days) and that the current state of the taxonomy finally allows to work on the official and user friendly entry mask.
So; If you wanna start testmapping right now: GO FOR IT and use our transfortestionaire, If you wanna wait for another tool, bear with us.
You might not be surprised that giving the huzzle and buzzle in the whole process we finally decided that we will move the testmapping days to a testmapping month, that is MAY 2015
According to your advice, dear friends in Canada, we suggest to organize testmappings at a few spots, that is: wide and exhaustive testmappings in 5 or 6 cities in different regions/continents instead of a bit of testmapping everywhere.
Our ideas for the moment: please focus on a selected place/ city or rural region) USA - Partner: Shareable (please focus on a Canada - Partner: REmix the Commons/ OSM Montreal/ Others -> I guess it will be Montreal FRANCE - Partner: ? - there will be certainly a wonderful opportunity at the Ouishare -Fest AUSTRIA - Partner: OSM Graz/ ELEVATE/ OTHERS: -> Graz GERMANY - Partner: Anstiftung/Ertomis and Others mainly TransforMappers --> Munich and/or Berlin FINLAND - http://www.commons.fi/ -> selected place in Finland
The list is open!
We now need to start the global conversation about the testmapping and can use our global mmm list for it (the one I am cceing); at the same time we are trying to get some funds for the test-mapping process.
PLEASE REGISTER THERE - if you are interested in the process - if you need follow-up information - if you can contribute sth (proposals/ translations/ partnership for testmapping/ whatever idea and resources)
If I forgot to respond to any of your questions, I will be happy to do so asap.
Please forgive me that I won't re-read and correct my e-mail, but I still have to phone conferences waiting for me tonight :-)
Many, many thanks for all the support you've provided so far
Silke for the TransforMappers in Germany and Austria
@Silke :
Does the Global Mapping Day of Marsh 6th and 7th confirmed ? Do you
any material we can use to promote and mobilize people there ? Thanks for your information.
Best Fred
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global

Dear Jon, as a matter of fact I was wondering what happened...! So you're no longer pursuing "TransformLab" but another project? Maybe if you write us two lines about it - and in what sense you see our possible contributions - it could help... Then we can have a chat. On another point, the development of Transformaps, can you suggest what is the best way to be able to participate to the process - since we haven't really progressed about how to work on the ESSglobal interoperability standards we are continuing to develop and it is hard for non-German speakers to follow ... Thanks and ciao from Florence (finally Spring here too...) Jason On Apr 7, 2015 6:11 PM, "Jon Richter" <post@jonrichter.de> wrote:
Dear Solidary Economists Jason, Eric and Fernando.
From my silence you must have concluded the halt of our proposal. Indeed I've found a beautiful private ~nk€ debt in my papers, which almost stopped any performance.
But as we are talking about distributed systems here, the work progressed in another context which Gualter and me are currently supporting.
This proposal could make use of contributions from you and I would be happy to get in touch about how these could look like.
I'm available on the following channels:
* mailto:post@jonrichter.de * skype:yalamerde * hangouts:jon.richter@gmail.com
In further progression of this conversation it will make sense to create an account on
,if not done already. Please provide it within your reply.
And please excuse my recent incapability to deliver appropriate continuity. I just didn't think about myself.
Most sincerely, spring greetings from Paris [1],
[1] http://timemapper.okfnlabs.org/almereyda/transforlab-timemap#8
Hi Jon,
any news? As RIPESS we've discussed your proposal [TransforLab] and are ready to engage. But we need to have some written info... and the time necessary to have any formal documentation ready.
I also would like to relaunch my proposals (see message below) to the whole collective. In particular, as Solidarius Italy we're working with the Italian CNR (National Research Center) on a project application for the development and implementation of the existing Solidarius platform to help the build-up and consolidation of solidarity economy territorial networks. I think it would be really useful if on the work Transformap has done with Openstreetmaps we could establish a collaboration. Who can I talk to about this?
In solidarity, Jason Nardi
Il martedì 24 febbraio 2015, jon richter <post@jonrichter.de> ha scritto:
Good evening Jason,
so happy you are still with us and writing in the perfect moment, as I am just coming back from a Hacksprint in Witzenhausen with Gualter [1] and setting up my new working desk [2] to get on with intensively writing a TransforLab H2020 Application [3] and leading it to a successful formulation [4].
After sitting with François Schneider, who was just around and didn't object our approaches too much, we're even more confident of our
Actually RIPESS is one of the last missing building blocks to a strong consortium. As we already have a couple organisations from Germany, France and Great Britain in closer consideration, we want to ask if RIPESS Spain wants to join TransforLab. An official invitation is due this week; now you just created facts beforehand.
If there is sincere interest, please write back to
so we can keep respective persons into the loop.
For any other cooperation possibilities in regards of TransforMap, I will let the others talk.
Keen on anything that's in front of us,
Jon Richter
important link:
[3] http://h2020.transformap.co + http://transforlab.net
context noise links:
[1] http://timemapper.okfnlabs.org/almereyda/transforlab-timemap#1 +
[2] https://twitter.com/almereyda/status/570313060101033984
On 24.02.2015 14:33, Jason Nardi wrote:
Dear Silke, and dear Transformappers,
thanks for the thorough update. Wow, what an achievement so far!
I would really like to be able to start participating to your activities, not just as individual... so I have 4 proposals / suggestions I'd like to share with you:
1. Find ways for a participation / collaboration with RIPESS - Solidarity Economy Europe network, throughout the membership in several of the European countries. One example could be with the survey RIPESS is launching in March for the "Panorama of Solidarity Economy in Europe" - where there could certainly be overlapping and info sharing - but also co-promotion...
2. Same with the ESSGlobal group, which is still active and advancing on the international interoperability and open-linked data / semantic web use for the mappings - there has been a first exchange with Joseph -
we should have some more exchanges so we don't just continue going in parallel: I think there are many common aspects to explore where we could work together;
3. I can try to participate to the first test in my town, Florence (Italy). We already have a local Solidarity and Alternative Economy network and I'm positive that many will be interested / willing to map their initiatives or share their info.
4. Finally, with the Italian CNR (National Research Center) my organization Solidarius is working on a European project proposal (Horizon 2020) for a portal on "economic intelligence" that is an evolution of the one developed by Solidarius International (Euclides Mance, Brasil - you remember him from the degrowth conference). Part of that is also about mapping and data collection and I think the approach Trasformap has developed could be very useful as well. Perhaps we could have a partnership in such a project (we would also need a University o Research center to partner). Other countries, besides Italy and Germany, are probably going to be Portugal and Spain (and maybe Greece).
That's all folks...!
In solidarity, Jason Nardi
www.solidarius.it www.ripess.eu
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:48 PM, TransforMap collective < collective@transformap.co> wrote:
Dear MMM/TransforMap mailing lists,
forwarding a message from Silke sent to global@lists.14mmm.org.
Due to disclosure of multiple private mail addresses, it sould not be delivered.
See below.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: global post from silke.helfrich@gmx.de requires approval Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:10:23 +0100
As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the following mailing list posting:
List: global@lists.14mmm.org From: silke.helfrich@gmx.de Subject: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Reason: Too many recipients to the message
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:09:50 +0100 Von: Silke Helfrich <silke.helfrich@gmx.de>
ALERT: @transforMappers: If there are mistakes in the following message, please correct me! + at the very end, there is some new information re. the partners for the intl. testmapping
Dear all,
first of all: amis québecois, I am so sorry for the delay, I have been involved in too many processes lately, but as far as TransforMap is concerned the reason for the delay in informing You, our international peers and (hopefully) co-mappers, is a really good one:
First of all, we've managed to set up sth. like an initial governance structure:
That is; we went through an internal process of urgently needed f2f conversations and decision making and are now able to divide the
of tasks more swiftly.
And secondly: we made a proposal to the European Union within their CHEST project : http://www.chest-project.eu/
Tatataaaa, we were pre-selected, meaning that now everybody is overly busy with preparing the documents for the final selection process,
would help us to finance especially the programming and the coordination work for the next year and beyond.
Moreover we have been preparing the test-mapping process and tools +
partnerships to go international, for instance with Shareable in the US.
All of us are very aware of the fact that we urgently need some basic information in English, and we will work on that as soon as we get two funding proposals (the one to the EU and another one) off desk. We are already working on it: http://discourse.transformap.co/t/self-description-of-transformap/164
Now; where are we at with the taxonomy and with the testmapping?
Taxonomy: We've FINALLY made our decisions about the three most important category-groups: That is: - needs ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages (see
- mode of interaction ---> ready for translation into French, Finish
many other languages
- self-description of the community ----> we made the final decisions, that is: We know know which tribes we wanna start with, but we still need to finish the short descriptions in English (so, it is not yet ready for translation) Here are "the tribes";
As you can easily see: this is a project of CONVERGENCE; it cannot be otherwise. So, while we work together on TransforMap we enact TAPAs (There Are Plenty of Alternatives) and we network in real life
of only talking about the need to network)
It is important to note that for TranforMap (not for OSM of course),
self-identification with one of these OR OTHER communities will be mandatory; I can explain this later. But this is the only way to - at the end - generate a global map, where we can make "all commons" visible, or "all solidarity economy projects" or simply "all TAPAs"- more on this later (because this only applies to the TransforMap layer, not for OSM (as we don't control the handling of categories, tags and data on OSM.
We are also collecting the so called "Points of Interest", as this is sth. the common mapper (and user) is very interested in.
TOOLS: Making the decisions about the taxonomy has been key for programming
Am 13.03.2015 um 15:16 schrieb Jason Nardi: proposal. probably this the the the
testmapping tools, and again... it took us a while to get everything done. But now we have two options.
- the first one is to collect data via our TRANSFORTESTIONAIRE:
All tags are updated to the current state of the taxonomy! You can use it RIGHT NOW, the only BUT is, that data will be collected and need to be transferred manually to OSM later, but it helps us to
the testmapping done and get feedback on the Taxonomy,
- the second is, that our programmers (some magic is in there, I swear you), are about to finish a prototype for the online testmapping (needing a few more days) and that the current state of the taxonomy finally allows to work on the official and user friendly entry mask.
So; If you wanna start testmapping right now: GO FOR IT and use our transfortestionaire, If you wanna wait for another tool, bear with us.
You might not be surprised that giving the huzzle and buzzle in the whole process we finally decided that we will move the testmapping days to a testmapping month, that is MAY 2015
According to your advice, dear friends in Canada, we suggest to organize testmappings at a few spots, that is: wide and exhaustive testmappings in 5 or 6 cities in different regions/continents instead of a bit of testmapping everywhere.
Our ideas for the moment: please focus on a selected place/ city or rural region) USA - Partner: Shareable (please focus on a Canada - Partner: REmix the Commons/ OSM Montreal/ Others -> I guess it will be Montreal FRANCE - Partner: ? - there will be certainly a wonderful opportunity at the Ouishare -Fest AUSTRIA - Partner: OSM Graz/ ELEVATE/ OTHERS: -> Graz GERMANY - Partner: Anstiftung/Ertomis and Others mainly TransforMappers --> Munich and/or Berlin FINLAND - http://www.commons.fi/ -> selected place in Finland
The list is open!
We now need to start the global conversation about the testmapping and can use our global mmm list for it (the one I am cceing); at the same time we are trying to get some funds for the test-mapping process.
PLEASE REGISTER THERE - if you are interested in the process - if you need follow-up information - if you can contribute sth (proposals/ translations/ partnership for testmapping/ whatever idea and resources)
If I forgot to respond to any of your questions, I will be happy to do so asap.
Please forgive me that I won't re-read and correct my e-mail, but I still have to phone conferences waiting for me tonight :-)
Many, many thanks for all the support you've provided so far
Silke for the TransforMappers in Germany and Austria
@Silke :
Does the Global Mapping Day of Marsh 6th and 7th confirmed ? Do you
any material we can use to promote and mobilize people there ? Thanks for your information.
Best Fred
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global

Dear Jason, I am very happy to read your lines. And will provide you with the requested and offered details in a follow-up conversation. Regarding interaction points between TransforMap and RIPESS, for now you could start to warm up your Dissemination channels regarding #15mmm. The Mapping Month May 2015. If you'd like to know more, don't hesitate to visit http://discourse.transformap.co/c/mapping-month-may-2015 Kindest regards, Jon Am 08.04.2015 um 10:11 schrieb Jason Nardi:
Dear Jon,
as a matter of fact I was wondering what happened...!
So you're no longer pursuing "TransformLab" but another project? Maybe if you write us two lines about it - and in what sense you see our possible contributions - it could help...
Then we can have a chat.
On another point, the development of Transformaps, can you suggest what is the best way to be able to participate to the process - since we haven't really progressed about how to work on the ESSglobal interoperability standards we are continuing to develop and it is hard for non-German speakers to follow ...
Thanks and ciao from Florence (finally Spring here too...)
Jason On Apr 7, 2015 6:11 PM, "Jon Richter" <post@jonrichter.de> wrote:
Dear Solidary Economists Jason, Eric and Fernando.
From my silence you must have concluded the halt of our proposal. Indeed I've found a beautiful private ~nk€ debt in my papers, which almost stopped any performance.
But as we are talking about distributed systems here, the work progressed in another context which Gualter and me are currently supporting.
This proposal could make use of contributions from you and I would be happy to get in touch about how these could look like.
I'm available on the following channels:
* mailto:post@jonrichter.de * skype:yalamerde * hangouts:jon.richter@gmail.com
In further progression of this conversation it will make sense to create an account on
,if not done already. Please provide it within your reply.
And please excuse my recent incapability to deliver appropriate continuity. I just didn't think about myself.
Most sincerely, spring greetings from Paris [1],
[1] http://timemapper.okfnlabs.org/almereyda/transforlab-timemap#8
Hi Jon,
any news? As RIPESS we've discussed your proposal [TransforLab] and are ready to engage. But we need to have some written info... and the time necessary to have any formal documentation ready.
I also would like to relaunch my proposals (see message below) to the whole collective. In particular, as Solidarius Italy we're working with the Italian CNR (National Research Center) on a project application for the development and implementation of the existing Solidarius platform to help the build-up and consolidation of solidarity economy territorial networks. I think it would be really useful if on the work Transformap has done with Openstreetmaps we could establish a collaboration. Who can I talk to about this?
In solidarity, Jason Nardi
Il martedì 24 febbraio 2015, jon richter <post@jonrichter.de> ha scritto:
Good evening Jason,
so happy you are still with us and writing in the perfect moment, as I am just coming back from a Hacksprint in Witzenhausen with Gualter [1] and setting up my new working desk [2] to get on with intensively writing a TransforLab H2020 Application [3] and leading it to a successful formulation [4].
After sitting with François Schneider, who was just around and didn't object our approaches too much, we're even more confident of our
Actually RIPESS is one of the last missing building blocks to a strong consortium. As we already have a couple organisations from Germany, France and Great Britain in closer consideration, we want to ask if RIPESS Spain wants to join TransforLab. An official invitation is due this week; now you just created facts beforehand.
If there is sincere interest, please write back to
so we can keep respective persons into the loop.
For any other cooperation possibilities in regards of TransforMap, I will let the others talk.
Keen on anything that's in front of us,
Jon Richter
important link:
[3] http://h2020.transformap.co + http://transforlab.net
context noise links:
[1] http://timemapper.okfnlabs.org/almereyda/transforlab-timemap#1 +
[2] https://twitter.com/almereyda/status/570313060101033984
On 24.02.2015 14:33, Jason Nardi wrote:
Dear Silke, and dear Transformappers,
thanks for the thorough update. Wow, what an achievement so far!
I would really like to be able to start participating to your activities, not just as individual... so I have 4 proposals / suggestions I'd like to share with you:
1. Find ways for a participation / collaboration with RIPESS - Solidarity Economy Europe network, throughout the membership in several of the European countries. One example could be with the survey RIPESS is launching in March for the "Panorama of Solidarity Economy in Europe" - where there could certainly be overlapping and info sharing - but also co-promotion...
2. Same with the ESSGlobal group, which is still active and advancing on the international interoperability and open-linked data / semantic web use for the mappings - there has been a first exchange with Joseph -
we should have some more exchanges so we don't just continue going in parallel: I think there are many common aspects to explore where we could work together;
3. I can try to participate to the first test in my town, Florence (Italy). We already have a local Solidarity and Alternative Economy network and I'm positive that many will be interested / willing to map their initiatives or share their info.
4. Finally, with the Italian CNR (National Research Center) my organization Solidarius is working on a European project proposal (Horizon 2020) for a portal on "economic intelligence" that is an evolution of the one developed by Solidarius International (Euclides Mance, Brasil - you remember him from the degrowth conference). Part of that is also about mapping and data collection and I think the approach Trasformap has developed could be very useful as well. Perhaps we could have a partnership in such a project (we would also need a University o Research center to partner). Other countries, besides Italy and Germany, are probably going to be Portugal and Spain (and maybe Greece).
That's all folks...!
In solidarity, Jason Nardi
www.solidarius.it www.ripess.eu
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:48 PM, TransforMap collective < collective@transformap.co> wrote:
Dear MMM/TransforMap mailing lists,
forwarding a message from Silke sent to global@lists.14mmm.org.
Due to disclosure of multiple private mail addresses, it sould not be delivered.
See below.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: global post from silke.helfrich@gmx.de requires approval Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:10:23 +0100
As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the following mailing list posting:
List: global@lists.14mmm.org From: silke.helfrich@gmx.de Subject: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Reason: Too many recipients to the message
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: TransforMap Global Mapping Month and update / Taxonomy Datum: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:09:50 +0100 Von: Silke Helfrich <silke.helfrich@gmx.de>
ALERT: @transforMappers: If there are mistakes in the following message, please correct me! + at the very end, there is some new information re. the partners for the intl. testmapping
Dear all,
first of all: amis québecois, I am so sorry for the delay, I have been involved in too many processes lately, but as far as TransforMap is concerned the reason for the delay in informing You, our international peers and (hopefully) co-mappers, is a really good one:
First of all, we've managed to set up sth. like an initial governance structure:
That is; we went through an internal process of urgently needed f2f conversations and decision making and are now able to divide the
of tasks more swiftly.
And secondly: we made a proposal to the European Union within their CHEST project : http://www.chest-project.eu/
Tatataaaa, we were pre-selected, meaning that now everybody is overly busy with preparing the documents for the final selection process,
would help us to finance especially the programming and the coordination work for the next year and beyond.
Moreover we have been preparing the test-mapping process and tools +
partnerships to go international, for instance with Shareable in the US.
All of us are very aware of the fact that we urgently need some basic information in English, and we will work on that as soon as we get two funding proposals (the one to the EU and another one) off desk. We are already working on it: http://discourse.transformap.co/t/self-description-of-transformap/164
Now; where are we at with the taxonomy and with the testmapping?
Taxonomy: We've FINALLY made our decisions about the three most important category-groups: That is: - needs ---> ready for translation into French, Finish and many other languages (see
- mode of interaction ---> ready for translation into French, Finish
many other languages
- self-description of the community ----> we made the final decisions, that is: We know know which tribes we wanna start with, but we still need to finish the short descriptions in English (so, it is not yet ready for translation) Here are "the tribes";
As you can easily see: this is a project of CONVERGENCE; it cannot be otherwise. So, while we work together on TransforMap we enact TAPAs (There Are Plenty of Alternatives) and we network in real life
of only talking about the need to network)
It is important to note that for TranforMap (not for OSM of course),
self-identification with one of these OR OTHER communities will be mandatory; I can explain this later. But this is the only way to - at the end - generate a global map, where we can make "all commons" visible, or "all solidarity economy projects" or simply "all TAPAs"- more on this later (because this only applies to the TransforMap layer, not for OSM (as we don't control the handling of categories, tags and data on OSM.
We are also collecting the so called "Points of Interest", as this is sth. the common mapper (and user) is very interested in.
TOOLS: Making the decisions about the taxonomy has been key for programming
Am 13.03.2015 um 15:16 schrieb Jason Nardi: proposal. probably this the the the
testmapping tools, and again... it took us a while to get everything done. But now we have two options.
- the first one is to collect data via our TRANSFORTESTIONAIRE:
All tags are updated to the current state of the taxonomy! You can use it RIGHT NOW, the only BUT is, that data will be collected and need to be transferred manually to OSM later, but it helps us to
the testmapping done and get feedback on the Taxonomy,
- the second is, that our programmers (some magic is in there, I swear you), are about to finish a prototype for the online testmapping (needing a few more days) and that the current state of the taxonomy finally allows to work on the official and user friendly entry mask.
So; If you wanna start testmapping right now: GO FOR IT and use our transfortestionaire, If you wanna wait for another tool, bear with us.
You might not be surprised that giving the huzzle and buzzle in the whole process we finally decided that we will move the testmapping days to a testmapping month, that is MAY 2015
According to your advice, dear friends in Canada, we suggest to organize testmappings at a few spots, that is: wide and exhaustive testmappings in 5 or 6 cities in different regions/continents instead of a bit of testmapping everywhere.
Our ideas for the moment: please focus on a selected place/ city or rural region) USA - Partner: Shareable (please focus on a Canada - Partner: REmix the Commons/ OSM Montreal/ Others -> I guess it will be Montreal FRANCE - Partner: ? - there will be certainly a wonderful opportunity at the Ouishare -Fest AUSTRIA - Partner: OSM Graz/ ELEVATE/ OTHERS: -> Graz GERMANY - Partner: Anstiftung/Ertomis and Others mainly TransforMappers --> Munich and/or Berlin FINLAND - http://www.commons.fi/ -> selected place in Finland
The list is open!
We now need to start the global conversation about the testmapping and can use our global mmm list for it (the one I am cceing); at the same time we are trying to get some funds for the test-mapping process.
PLEASE REGISTER THERE - if you are interested in the process - if you need follow-up information - if you can contribute sth (proposals/ translations/ partnership for testmapping/ whatever idea and resources)
If I forgot to respond to any of your questions, I will be happy to do so asap.
Please forgive me that I won't re-read and correct my e-mail, but I still have to phone conferences waiting for me tonight :-)
Many, many thanks for all the support you've provided so far
Silke for the TransforMappers in Germany and Austria > > @Silke : > > Does the Global Mapping Day of Marsh 6th and 7th confirmed ? Do you have > any material we can use to promote and mobilize people there ? Thanks > for your information. > > Best > Fred >
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global
_______________________________________________ global mailing list global@lists.14mmm.org http://lists.14mmm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/global
participants (5)
Jason Nardi
Jon Richter
jon richter
TransforMap collective