Dear TransforMappers - Especially the technicians Greenmap - where we "coppied" our entry mask from - open their icons for open source! They also start to work closer together with OpenStreetMap. And they need a new plattform. At the Moment, they are talking about cartoDB. See below, to know what they need extra... Thats probably a good moment to start further collaboration and extend their set of icons... You are allways welcome to contact wendy directly: web@greenmap.org . Please put me in cc, so i know who is in touch with them! Yours Helmut -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [GreenMap] Important! Icons - mapmaking platform - Your help - State of the Map - Green Map’s NYC office Datum: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 13:29:32 -0500 Von: Wendy Brawer <web@greenmap.org> An: list serv <greenmap@greenmap.org> Hello Mapmakers, Lets continue the Open discussion! Your responses last month were so helpful (on doc <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ecde3YFt9Xbhc_N-IttEJhJ2hX83Qi4pYspSivXOGQc/edit> and survey <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1U4lHr1O_axQu18opx7eZ6BNgBEXVPGqnjcFL9nGg9y8/viewanalytics>). Topics in this email: *1) Icons 2) next mapmaking platform 3) Your help 4) State of the Map 5) Green Maps NYC office* 1. We have written up some questions about the Green Map Icons and put them in a .doc that you can respond to 3 ways (it seems there is no single ideal platform for this) Go to http://Lab.GreenMap.org and on the left, choose the*Icons + Open* group. From there you can edit or comment if you login. Or comment on a Google doc without login: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14G7DQd6ixERhFj_JTeoKPEaBYwaHdqMieb0aQwP2... 2. As you may know, we have been seeking a replacement for the aging Open Green Map platform. We have explored many options for platforms, and think that CartoDB is one of the best. See it at http://cartodb.com. Its free to use, its open source, and its pretty amazing! CartoDB has many features you all have wanted (add local icons, bulk updates, clustering, data import, base map options, Torque time mapping, heat mapping, and more). Their website has galleries, tutorials, and more to help, and this company (not us) will be responsible for making sure the platform always works. We have met with their Brooklyn office. Weve started a CartoDB discussion group at http://lab.greenmap.org/groups/cartodb/ , where you can offer to help, read more about it, etc. CartoDB is not the only possible platform (and it lacks our custom-built OGM features (icon toggling, public photo submissions, etc), but we think it will give Green Mapmakers what we need now most rapidly (read about others in development under #1 above). Please join the discussion, especially if you have technical skills! -Now, we are seeking help to make an example map with a custom built editable legend that includes all 170 Green Map Icons, and allows each Green Mapmaker to select a subset, add local icons, and tweak or translate definitions. Other Green Mapmakers will be able to clone your map and put in their own data and improve it more. If you like their improvements, you can clone it again, too. Thus, Platform development becomes a shared process. - -We need to create a tutorial to help you import your OGM data into a CartoDB map, and show you how tocustomize, embed and share new interactive Green Maps. Were looking into ways to bring the various CartoDB maps together into one World View Green Map. We already know that our icons wont be shared generally across the CartoDB platform. We need your help! Contact me directly or use the comment space at http://lab.greenmap.org/groups/cartodb/ - thank you! 4. Our goal is to debut the example Green Map on CartoDBs platform in early June. That is whenState of the Map <http://stateofthemap.us> will take place in NYC at the United Nations. State of the Map is OpenStreetMaps major event, and we want to be ready to share our progress toward Open. Are you thinking about coming to NYC then? You need to apply forfunding to come <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17eEIpUC-ykW62LOP7im_ls-TZ6G4NCkcE9ws70EDLXQ/viewform> by March 15^th . We have until March 22^nd topropose a talk or meeting <http://stateofthemap.us/talk/> wed love to do it together! Its a great place to get more people involved. Ill start a State of the Map group here <http://lab.greenmap.org/groups/state-of-the-map/>. 5. Later in June, we have to give up the beautiful office we have had since 2006 (the school we rent from is expanding). Well relocate nearby, but in the meantime, lets enjoy using this handsome space. If you know youll be nearby anytime soon, lets plan to do something together here a discussion, party, work session, etc. Lastly, welcome back to the forum we stopped using a couple years ago at http://Lab.GreenMap.org. Join on the home page (or start using your old login, as Ben Andersen from Sweden (@Ben72) has already). Every group has a Forum for threaded comments and a Wiki where you can edit documents together. Im happy to answer questions and look forward to working together with you! Thank you all! Best, Wendy -- Wendy E. Brawer Founding Director Green Map System http://GreenMap.org web@greenmap.org +1 212 674 1631