Ahahah! Yuhuh! Champagne! We're not yet there, but that's already a great feeling after the sweat we put in the effort and it potentially opens some great avenues for this year! We will have an obligation of a lot of (internal) transparency in this negotiation process: as we know money can corrupt the community process, so let's be careful not to spoil what we have been building over the last year! Congrats to all, that was a great collective effort and is a proof that we are able to achieve something together. So let's first celebrate the achievement! Then let's keep on working to turn this into concrete funding! On this note, I understand that the Workshop Funding <https://wiki.14mmm.org/Funding_-_aka_the_hamsters/> and its hamsters will be in charge of the next steps (in close coordination with the Coordination Team <https://wiki.14mmm.org/Self_Organization/> aka the Conference of the Animals). *This is the occasion for me to ask those who haven't yet to put themselves in the workshops where they want to contribute (here is the wiki <https://wiki.14mmm.org/> - scroll down to find the list of Workshops) so that by the end of the month each workshop could schedule a meeting in February so that in February, we can hold a first Conference of the Animals (meeting of the Coordination Team). If someone really cannot manage to log into the wiki, please send me your wishes and I had you.* All the best, Adrien On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 7:21 PM, Thomas Doennebrink < thomasdoennebrink@me.com> wrote:
Hurrah super! Ein dickes Lob an alle Beteiligten, aber vor allem an die von euch mit der notwendigen ausdauernden Hartnäckigkeit das Baby auch über die Zielgerade gebracht zu haben! Chapeau! Gebe Silke Recht - habe ja selbst als CHEST Evaluator gearbeitet - der Aufwand ist recht hoch und eine Revision wäre mit viel Aufwand verbunden. Jetzt muss man v.a. am Ball bleiben und die Form(ulare) erfüllen :).
Go transformap go!
On 20 Jan 2015, at 18:19, Silke Helfrich <silke.helfrich@gmx.de> wrote:
Liebe Hamster & alle, die jetzt die Hamster fleißig werden unterstützenb müssen,
Wenn mich meine Erfahrung nicht trügt, ist damit die allergrößte Hürde genommen. Die EU geht nicht in ein administratives Prüfungsverfahren, wenn sie glaubt, dass das nichts wird! Dafür ist das zu aufwändig.
Jetzt geht es um Zuverlässigkeit und die Erfüllung formaler Kriterien, was auch nicht ganz einfach ist, aber sicher machbar, wir haben ja tolle Organisationen dabei.
Ehrfurt ist wohl de richtige Begriff, Einatmen. Ausatmen! And go!
Lieber Gruß Silke
Am 20.01.2015 um 18:08 schrieb Josef Kreitmayer:
ok, jetzt wirds ernst.
wir sind in der CHEST Auswahlrunde. Siehe unten.
Daumen drücken!
große Freude, gemischt mit etwas Ehrfurcht vor uns, der Möglichkeit und allem was da kommen mag. Vielleicht werden wir über den weiteren Auswahlprozess erfolgreich, finanziert und im Vorankommen institutionell und finanziell dadurch unterstützt.
Vielleicht ist es ein kurzer Höhenflug, und dann gehen wir mit auf anderen der vielfältigen grmeinsamen Wege weiter.
Es ist großartig!
Seit der Genialität von Potsdam kann ich als einer aus dem Team der Hamster : ) sagen:
Wow, wir sind, TransforMap ist, SUPER.
: ) Josef
Mag. Josef Kreitmayer | j@getactive.org <mailto:j@getactive.org> | 0 (043) 699 8163 4148
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---------- Von: <call3@chest-project.eu <mailto:call3@chest-project.eu>> Datum: 20.01.2015 17:52 Betreff: CHEST Call 3 Application Results An: <j@getactive.org <mailto:j@getactive.org>> Cc:
*Dear Applicant*
*Project Title*: Transformap
Thank you for submitting your application for funding to the CHEST Project (Call 3). The assessment process as outlined in the ‘Guidelines for Applicants’ is now complete and we are pleased to advise that your submission has been favourably evaluated and will now be invited to enter the contract negotiation process for the conclusion of a Grant Agreement.
Please note that this notification is not a formal commitment to sign the Grant Agreement with your organisation. Financial support depends on the satisfactory conclusion of the negotiation process, the CHEST partners selection decision and the completion of all related procedures. Any costs incurred before the official project start date will be at your own cost and will not be eligible for funding.
*Next steps*
You must confirm that you accept this conditional offer of funding with two weeks of receipt of this email by replying to call3@chest-project.eu <mailto:call3@chest-project.eu>
After receiving this confirmation you will be sent full details of the administrative process that must be completed before the Grant Agreement is sent to your organisation. The administrative process includes legal validation of your entity, provision to the Chest consortium of your bank details and review and clarification of your project budget and workplan.
Feedback from the assessment will be sent to you in a separate document within two weeks. Feedback is based on the written comments of the independent assessors who reviewed and assessed your application. This feedback is intended to be constructive
*Publicising your Project*
As outlined in the Guidelines for Applicants, the CHEST Project Partners may publicise the results of the competition on the CHEST website with a short description of the ideas supported. The CHEST Project Partners may also include reference to some of the successful applications and their progress in the course of the funding period in any dissemination material related to the project such as the CHEST website or future press releases. In accepting this funding you are agreeing to our use of the public description of your project that you have already provided for publicity purposes.
If you have any questions regarding the above please email call3@chest-project.eu <mailto:call3@chest-project.eu> and we will respond accordingly
Your Sincerely
The CHEST Project Team
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-- Adrien Labaeye +49 176 3810 8605 | Skype ID: adrien.labaeye | Twitter: @alabaeye | transitionlab.de c/o Thinkfarm Berlin | Oranienstraße 183 | 10999 Berlin | (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG) http://berlin.thinkfarm.de/