Dear Adrien,
[I apologize for the English here, but this is the only way for me to meaningfully participate]
you're welcome! And congratulation for the successful event in Berlin -> Let us know, once the pad is complete. (the
pad is here but still incomplete, Josef still has to insert his notes: http://pad.sinnwerkstatt.com/p/14mmm_fringe_event)
I think, that the extra-meeting in Leipzig is a starting point to capitalize on the Berlin meeting and get more clarity on the process. Remember; here is the link to figure out a date: http://ting.allmende.io/t/transformap-orgatreffen-in-leipzig/86
It would be great to have a comprehensive working project description by the Leipzig conference. *
Whoever has the energy and time to engage in this process, go for it. I am more than overwhelmed. :-( And thanks for starting. Today I talked to a Foundation committed to social movements and alternative economies France; invited him to our workshop (also the workshop needs to be in English) and told him that he needs to meet some of the mappers in Leipzig (Michael/ Josef > he is staying at the same place we stay, so we could have a breakfast conversation)
As it seems we are done for now with the name choice, I would propose that we establish a temporary working group in charge of identifying all the components of the 14MMM process from community engagement to tech apsects or taxonomy etc.
Taxonomy_Group is already established and working. Once we finish the descriptions for each tag (that is - each key and value) - we'll publish it on this list. Ok?
I strongly suggest that we do this from the start in English. This is one of the conclusion I draw from our Berlin meeting(s): in order to be inclusive of new stakeholders who may bring an important contribution, we need to slowly switch to English for some key tasks. At the end of the day, the project is in its essence an international one.
I strongly agree with you! Hope everybody feels confortable with -> the emphasis is on "slowly"! And thanks again for all your energy and starting the "project" description -> which obviously will lead us to the very question: WHO is transformap? http://pad.sinnwerkstatt.com/p/14mmm_structure_ All the best Silke