I thought, if we got the award we would have spent all together a wonderful week in Paris, 30 ppl + and Ouishare would have to rethink the awards :-) Silke more serious stuff later today Am 26.02.2015 um 16:22 schrieb Francesca Pick:
I guess it could, except for the fact that as this project is a collaboration between several organizations, among which ouishare is one, it is weird for our "own" project to apply.
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On Feb 26, 2015 3:44 PM, "Adrien Labaeye" <adrienlabaeye@gmail.com <mailto:adrienlabaeye@gmail.com>> wrote:
It seems to me we should first deliver our promises. I would rather see us applying for next year once we have delivered the core components of TransforMap (editor, map vizualization, map aggregator) and will be wanting to reach a wider audience and develop further.
That's my take on this.
Kind regards, Adrie