Dear Transformappers! Here Wendy sends some new infos about the new plattform for Greenmap. She asked me to correct my last mail, to clarify, that Greenmap-Icons are not yet released as opensource but their are still discussing how to make it. It is a challenge to change the direction of an 20year experienced organisation, where so many people spend their time for... *@Techniqians: What do you think about using cartoDB and improve it? Should they go for it? Should we do it too? Should Greenmap better wait for our plattform? * *Who, apart from Michael and "onYOURway" is actually developing some softwarecode for a mapping plattform? * Thanks Helmut -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [GreenMap] Are you ready to test CartoDB? Datum: Thu, 02 Apr 2015 22:08:31 -0400 Von: Wendy Brawer <web@greenmap.org> An: list serv <greenmap@greenmap.org> hello Mapmakers, Thanks to Thomas Turnbull, we have a great resource for technically-minded Green Mapmakers to test, and further develop. He has been testing the CartoDB mapping platform with data exported from Open Green Map, as you can see here - http://cdb.io/1E46C6K <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fcdb.io%2F1E46C6K&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHDZZ0TsCnA0gi2SGJRt8i8vUy3Zg> at this doc (no password needed) you'll also find his detailed tutorial <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SkPJF4eO5C_NmenligqoqDEv_S6DHMUxKOkEeUx5Fyw/edit?usp=sharing> for exporting your Open Green Map into CartoDB and customizing how it looks. It's remarkable how many things you can do with your map once it's on https://cartodb.com/ Many things have yet to be styled (or built), but CartoDB, which is open source, gives us the opportunity to build what we need together. Right now, we welcome the participation of people with technical skills. I'm not equipped! but I'm ready to help people get together, and make something wonderful that benefits all of us and the world we share. You can share how you did it on https://github.com/greenmap (which is, according to this beginners guide <http://opensource.com/life/15/2/beginners-guide-github>)is a place where every developer (or aspiring developer) can share their source code and stories with the world. In this way we can continually build an ideal Green Map platform on CartoDB together. Translation can be done this way too. You can add comments right to the tutorial <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SkPJF4eO5C_NmenligqoqDEv_S6DHMUxKOkEeUx5Fyw/edit?usp=sharing> page, and we can also use this for discussion: http://lab.greenmap.org/groups/cartodb/ It will take time. But together! we can do it. Please let us know you are contributing on the Tutorial page, GitHub or at the Lab, and let's enjoy working together this new way - thank you all! best wishes, Wendy -- Wendy E. Brawer Founding Director Green Map System http://GreenMap.org web@greenmap.org +1 212 674 163